
In Elven Site Config we add configuration files to our ElvenSite.

See this note on setting up the proper version of elven-site-tools.

Step One: Copy Project

Navigate to the root of your repository and copy ElvenSiteStarter to ElvenSiteConfig:

cp -r Week03-ElvenSiteStarter/ Week05-ElvenSiteConfig

Open up your project in WebStorm or your preferred editor/IDE.

Change the title and add an author property for use when rendering your home page:

  res.render('index', { title: 'Elven Site Config', author: 'Charlie Calvert' });

In index.jade, remove the welcome message and insert a paragraph that displays your name in a italics:

by Charlie Calvert.

The title should appear as an H1, and then your italicized attribution.

Make sure you don’t have a favicon error.

Step Two: Setup Config

We want to read a config file. First create a folder for it in the root of your project. I need this folder so I can see your config file:

mkdir config

In the config directory, create the following file, where lastname is your last name and base-dir is your home directory:

    "lastname": {
        "base-dir": "/home/charlie/",
        "site-dirs": [

Create a symbolic link to this file from here: ~/.config:

cd ~/.config
ln -s <PATH-TO-YOUR-CONFIG-FILE> ElvenConfig.json

This directory should already exist on your system. This is your configuration file. To complete the assignment, you must add at least one more folder to the site-dirs array, and you must put markdown content in the directory you specify.

Note the base-dir property. We combine this property and a specific item from the site-dirs property to get the full path to a folder: /home/bcuser/Documents/AllTest. We need base_dir to be configurable because:

  • We might have different paths to our home dir on different systems or for different users.
  • We might not want to store these files in our home directory at all.

We will build our own config tools, but we will note the presence and try to remain compatible with this:

Here is our code, where you will finish implementing load by using the readFile method from your npmPackage. Call it routes/elven-config.js:

 * @author Charlie

var os = require('os');

function getConfigName() { 'use strict';
	var configFileName = "ElvenConfig.json";
	var configName = '';
	if (os.platform() === 'darwin') {
		configName = process.env.HOME + '/.config/' + configFileName;
	} else if (os.platform() === 'linux') {
		configName = process.env.HOME + '/.config/' + configFileName;
	} else if (os.platform() === 'win32') {		
		configName = process.env.USERPROFILE + "\\Config\\" + configFileName;
	return configName;

function reportError(err) { 'use strict';
	console.log('Error condition in elven-config.js!');
	console.log('This program requires a config file');
	console.log('Please put ElvenConfig.json somewhere we can find it.');
	console.log('Contrl-C to abort');
	console.log('Error condition!');

function elvenConfig() {


elvenConfig.configData = {};

var load = function(callback) {
	'use strict';
	var configName = getConfigName();
	try {
	} catch(e) {

elvenConfig.get = function(property) {
	console.log('in get', elvenConfig.configData);
	return elvenConfig.configData.calvert[property];


module.exports = elvenConfig;

You will also need to change the elvenConfig.get method to use your last name. The point is that it must be compatible with your ElvenConfig.json file.

Step Two.Five

Update elven-site-tools.

npm install elven-site-tools --save

NOTE: The elven-site-tools package needs to be updated. At the time of this writing is at 0.1.0. Because we are installing something new, I have updated the package.json file found in your ~/tmp directory. Since you already ran npm install elven-site-tools above, this could be a no-op for you. I’m simply reminding you that the contents of ~/temp/package.json was updated. So long as you have a symbolic link to JsObjects set up for that file, then all should be good. Make sure, however, that you are accessing version 0.1.0 of **elven-site-tools.

IMPORTANT: See this note on setting up the proper version of elven-site-tools.

This update fixes the bug reported in the discussion area, and adds a new property to the return value destinationDir:

Elven Site Config

Some code for creating links:

function showHtmlFiles(files, destinationDir) {
    files.forEach(function(file) {
        var url = 'http://localhost/' + file.slice(destinationDir.length, file.length);
        $('#displayList').append('<li><a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + url + '</a></li>' );

Step Three: Load Config

In control.js set up the modular pattern. Here is the start, you do the rest:

var elf = {
    init: function() {
        elf.siteConfig = new elf.SiteConfig();

elf.SiteConfig = (function() {


On the client, create two methods called loadConfig and writeConfig. Implement them with getJSON. All calls to getJSON must follow this format:

  $.getJSON(<SOME ROUTE>, function(result) {
      // Success: display results
    }).done(function() {
            showDebug('Config loaded second success');
        .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
            showDebug('Walk loaded error: ' + jqxhr.status + ' ' + textStatus + ' ' + error );
        .always(function() {
            showDebug('Config loaded complete');

Where showDebug adds a list item to a UL element in index.jade.

The loadConfig method should call a route on the server in routes/index.js called /config. It should return the base-dir and the site-dirs:

First load the config package:

var config = require('config');

Then set up your ‘/config’ route. Inside it, include the following:

var baseDir = config.get('base-dir');
var siteDirs = config.get('site-dirs');
// Write code here to respond with an object
// that contains both your baseDir and your siteDir

The first two lines call the get method that is part of the config package. It works much like the get from the loren west repository.

On the server side, use your readFile and writeFile npm utilities.

Use a select object to display the paths to your markdown files. The user will choose one path at a time. The point is that you can set up multiple sites with this one tool, where each path leads to the root directory for the markdown files for your site. The user picks the item and send it to the server. You build this dynamically, of course, but in your working code, it might look a bit like this:

    <select id="dirsToWalk">
      <option value="/home/charlie/Documents/AllTest">/home/charlie/Documents/AllTest</option>
      <option value="/home/charlie/Git/CloudNotes/Assignments">/home/charlie/Git/CloudNotes/Assignments</option>

And here is how to get the selected item out of the select element, which we have called ‘dirsToWalk’:

var dirsToWalk = document.getElementById("dirsToWalk");
var directory = dirsToWalk.options[dirsToWalk.selectedIndex].value;

Turn it in

Push folder to repository and submit something in Canvas so I know its available.

NOTE: Be sure that you application is not throwing favicon error.