
Get Started

Create a folder in your repository called Week03-CouchDbViews. Use your common sense about the number of the current week if the number you see does not make sense.

In that folder, create a package.json that looks like this:

  "name": "CouchDbViews",
  "description": "Learn about CouchDb Views",
  "version": "0.0.2",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "inquirer": "^1.2.1",
    "nano": "^6.1.2",
    "request-debug": "^0.2.0"

Run npm install.

Then create a file called server.js and put the code shown in the rest of this document into it. I believe I am presenting the code sequentially, so you can just start at the top and paste in each section one at a time.

Packages and Globals

Load packages and declare some constants or variables used in the rest of the program.

var nano = require('nano')('');
var inquirer = require("inquirer");

var dbName = 'bc_data';
var RASPBERRY_PI = "raspberry pi";
var ARDUINO = "arduino";
var BEAGLEBONE = "beaglebone";

Right now these are becoming global variables, but in a later session we will reduce their scope.

As you can see, our database involves some of the small, cheap motherboards that you can buy for less than $100.

Almost CRUD: Create, Read, Delete

Here are functions for creating the database, and then creating, inserting and deleting documents. We don’t yet have the ability to update an existing record, but we can delete a document and replace it with a new one, which can be similar in effect. For now, we will only be deleting the design document, which is described below.

var readIt = function(docName) {
    'use strict';
    var db = nano.db.use(dbName);
    db.get(docName, {
        revs_info: true
    }, function(err, body) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

function insert(data) {
    'use strict';
    var callback = function(err, body) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
    var prog = nano.db.use(dbName);

    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        prog.insert(data[i], callback);

function deleteDoc(docUniqueId) {
    'use strict';
    var db = nano.db.use(dbName);
    db.get(docUniqueId, function(err, body) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        var latestRev = body._rev;
        db.destroy(docUniqueId, latestRev, function(err, body, header) {
            if (err) {
                throw err;
            console.log('Successfully deleted doc', docUniqueId);

function coreDataInsert() {
    var data = [{
            "_id": RASPBERRY_PI,
            "item": RASPBERRY_PI,
            "urls": {
                "Amazon": "https://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-RASP-PI-3-Model-Motherboard/dp/B01CD5VC92/",                
                "Home": "https://www.raspberrypi.org/",
                "Wiki:": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi"

            "_id": ARDUINO,
            "item": ARDUINO,
            "urls": {
                "Amazon": "https://www.amazon.com/Arduino-Uno-R3-Microcontroller-A000066/dp/B008GRTSV6/",
                "Home": "https://www.arduino.cc/",
                "Wiki:": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino"
        }, {
            "_id": BEAGLEBONE,
            "item": BEAGLEBONE,
            "urls": {
                "Amazon": "https://www.amazon.com/Beagleboard-BBONE-BLACK-4G-BeagleBone-Rev-C/dp/B00K7EEX2U/",
                "Home": "http://beagleboard.org/bone",                
                "Wiki:": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BeagleBoard#BeagleBone"

Creating Views

First we define two views:

  • simpleView: Show the Doc ID and REV
  • designUrls: Show the urls of various items

Each of these views become a map. That is, they are called once for each document in the database. They then transform the document into a new format, and use emit to display to the result.

maps are a key concept in modern programming. They are often presented as part of a two step process:

  • map: Transforms the objects in an array of in a list of some sort. In our case, it means transforming the documents in the database.
    • Note that you can filter out some documents at the same time
  • reduce: Iterate over the maps, and return a single value or summation of that data

CouchDb makes use of Map/Reduce, but for now we are focused only on map.

Testing views can be tricky. One technique that can help is to:

  • Open up futon
  • Selected your database
  • Set the view (in the top right) to Temporary view
  • Paste in the anonymous function from your view.

Here is the simpleView:

 var simpleView = function(doc) {
     emit(doc._id, doc._rev)

Here is the anonymous function from your view:

function(doc) {
  emit(doc._id, doc._rev)

Once you have one or more working views, place them inside a design document. The method called createDesignDocument demonstrates how to create a design document.

Here is the whole section of the code that involves creating views and design document. Paste it into your program.

 * Views

 var simpleView = function(doc) {
     emit(doc._id, doc._rev)

 var designUrls = function(doc) {
     var url, key;
     if (doc.item && doc.urls) {
         for (var urlName in doc.urls) {
             url = doc.urls[urlName];
             key = [doc.item, url];
             emit(key, url);

 function createDesignDocument() {
     var data = [{
         "_id": "_design/example",
         "views": {
             "simple": {
                 "map": simpleView
             "urls": {
                 "map": designUrls

function showView(designDoc, view) {
    var nanoDb = nano.db.use(dbName);
    nanoDb.view(designDoc, view, function(err, body) {
        if (!err) {                        
            for (var i = 0; i < body.rows.length; i++) {
        } else {
            console.log("Error", err);            

Create Bash Menu

Now that we have our CRUD-like operations, and the ability to create views, we just need a way to call these various methods. For now we will just set up a simple bash menu using the inquirer package.

To make this work, you may need to install the NPM package (library) called inquirer:

npm install inquirer –save

note: We already placed the code to install inquirer in our package.json. Nevertheless, I’m leaving in this reminder of how to install it and add it to your package.json file as it may be a helpful reminder for some readers.

note: Inquirer and nodemon don’t get along. Please use node instead of nodemon to start your program: node server.js. You may need to edit package.json to ensure you don’t have nodemon in the start option.

Here is the menu itself:

 * Prompts

function list() {
    "use strict";

    // Prompts
    var DESIGN = 0;
    var INSERT = 1;
    var DELETE = 2;
    var READ = 3;
    var VIEW = 4;
    var prompts = ['Design', 'Insert', "Delete", "Read", "View"];

    var options = [{
        type: "list",
        name: "theme",
        message: "What do you want to do?",
        choices: [
            new inquirer.Separator(),

    inquirer.prompt(options).then(function(answer) {
        console.log("Response:", answer);
        switch (answer.theme) {
            case prompts[READ]:

            case prompts[DESIGN]:

            case prompts[DELETE]:

            case prompts[INSERT]:

            case prompts[VIEW]:
                //showView("example", "prices");
                showView("example", "simple");

                console.log("No match");




To better understand inquirer, see the docs and examples for this project in GitHub.

Turn it in

Save your work and push it to the cloud. Attach a screenshot of the result from calling views function.