Elven Site Pix Picker
Copy Midterm
cp -r Week08-Midterm Week10-ElvenSitePixPicker
Don’t forget to rename the project when you open it in WebStorm.
Make sure you ~/.content/ElvenConfig.json contains the usual code plus the following, or something like it:
"elvenImages": {
"baseDir": "/var/www/html",
"markdownFileWithImages": "/home/bcuser/Documents/AllTest/california.md",
"allImagesJsonFile": "all-images.json",
"imageDir": "/images/california/",
"notUsedDir": "/home/bcuser/temp/not-used/california"
Two Pages
The first step will be to create two pages:
- One for creating a web site, MakeHtml style, as in the midterm
- One for creating a page based on a set of pictures from your camera or some other source
Page One
Take everything beneath the block content in index.jade and put it in make-html.jade.
Replace the content you removed with the following:
a.pageLink#pageOne Page One
a.pageLink#pageTwo Page Two
Add some CSS to public/css/style.css to make the anchors a bit prettier. At minimum, do this:
.pageLink {
margin: 5px;
padding: 3px;
border: black solid thin;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
Load the Pages
You will need code like this to load the pages:
function SiteConfig() {
function pageOne() {
$('#pageLoad').load('/makeHtml', function() {
function pageTwo() {
$('#pageLoad').load('/pixPicker', function() {
Server Side
Here are the methods found in routes/index.js for calling into the image code in elven-stite-tools.
router.get('/makeMarkdown', function(request, response) {
console.log('makeMarkdown route called');
var makeMarkdown = new imageHelp.MakeMarkdown();
makeMarkdown.loadAndRun(function(report) {
if (report.spacesInFileNames) {
console.log('You have spaces in one or more file names.');
console.log('The problem is probably in your images directory.');
console.log('FileNames or Directories with spaces in their ');
console.log('names is not a good idea. Run this command in ');
console.log('the offending directory and then restart:');
console.log('find -name "* *" -type f | rename "s/ /_/g"');
response.send({ error: 'spaces in file name' });
} else if (report.markdownFileExists) {
response.send({ error: 'Markdown file exists: ' + report.markdownFileWithImages });
} else {
'success': 'makeMarkdown',
'report': report
router.get('/deleteMarkdown', function(request, response) {
var makeMarkdown = new imageHelp.MakeMarkdown();
makeMarkdown.deleteMarkdownFileWithImages(function(result) {
response.send({ 'result': 'file deleted'});
On the client side, these are simple button clicks, with no parameters (requestQuery) being passed.
Nodemon Warning
There is one catch here. Since all-images.json gets rewritten, you have to tell nodemon to ignore that file or it will keep restarting your application.
Save the following as nodemon.json in the root of your project:
"verbose": false,
"ignore": ["all-images.json"]
Turn it in
Tell me the project and branch.