
A tool called Jasmine JQuery will allow us to load arbitray HTML files (fixtures) into Jasmine so that we can run tests against them. Normally, we want to load only small chunks of HTML. However, at one point we might want to load the entire contents of the HTML code produced by vidws/index.jade into our tests and make sure it contains certain key elements.

We want to tests the contents of views/index.jade but not views/layout.jade. To do this, we need to remove the line that reads extend layout from views/index.jade and copy the results to another file called views/fixture.jade. When doing so, views/index.jade should not be changed. When we are done, views/fixture.jade should be very similar to views/index.jade but without the first line about extending layout.jade.

Here are the steps:

  • Remove the extends layout line views/index.jade
  • Put the results in views/fixture.jade without changine views/index.jade.
  • Convert views/fixture.jade into spec/fixtures/fixture.html

You can do all the manually, or run this command:

grunt fixture

This produces spec/fixtures/fixture.html. This is the code we want to use in our tests.

The rest of this document is an explanation of how to proceed if you want to set up and run this kind of test.


Copy over the new and updated unit tests from:

cp $ELF_TEMPLATES/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/\*.js spec/.

Then install some tools:

npm install jasmine-jquery --save-dev
npm install grunt-exec --save
npm install grunt-contrib-jade --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-clean --save-dev
npm install grunt-jscs --save-dev
npm install grunt-jsbeautifier --save-dev

No longer needed:

npm install grunt-contrib-jasmine --save-dev


Add these tasks to your Gruntfile:

jade: {
    compile: {
        options: {
            pretty: true,
            data: {
                debug: false
        files: {
            'spec/fixtures/fixture.html': ['views/fixture.jade', '$ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/*.jade']

exec: {

    stripExtends: {
        cmd: function() {
            return 'sed "/extend/d" views/index.jade > views/fixture.jade';

Then near the bottom load the tasks:


And finally, register a new task near the very bottom:

	grunt.registerTask('fixture', ['exec:stripExtends', 'jade', 'karma']);

Karma Changes

In karma.conf load jasmine-jquery. The following is a sample of what your files section might look like once it is done. The first and last lines are the ones you need to focus on. The rest are just boilerplate you have already seen:

files: [

Please note that bitly-links and **/*.html are specific to our app. The other entries are generic, and will be used in most tests. The HTML line will be used in all tests that use jasmine-jquery, so it is frequently used. But bitly links is just for programs like BitlyRefine, and might not be used in other applications.

And put this in karma.conf.js:

preprocessors: {
    '**/*.html': []

If you are using the spec reporter, and most of us are, then filter out tests that are being skipped:

reporters: ['spec'],

specReporter: {
    suppressSkipped: true // do not print information about skipped tests

Writing a Test

And here is the test, which goes in spec/test-jasmine-jquery.js

describe('Test Jade', function() {
    'use strict';

    beforeEach(function() {
        jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/fixtures/';

    it('shows we can get at least 1 <P> element', function() {
        var paragraphs = $('p');


We are simply asking jasmine to prove to us that our HTML has at least one paragraph tag in it.

Sanity Check

In JsObjects, there is a new script that does a rather shoddy job of looking through your karma-conf.js and Gruntfile.js files to be sure you have things set up correctly. You can copy the script to your ~/bin directory and then run it in the root of the project you want to check.

cp $JSOBJECTS/Utilities/NodeInstall/check-karma-grunt-config ~/bin/.

Here is a sample run:

$ ./check-karma-grunt-config

  - setup

js-beautify exists
beautified karma.conf.js - unchanged
beautified Gruntfile.js - unchanged

  - These tests are meant to help you find problems in
  - karma.conf and Gruntfile. They are not definitive

preprocessor mentioned
jasmine-jquery mentioned
exec task config mentioned
jade task config mentioned
grunt-contrib-clean loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-contrib-jshint loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-jscs loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-jsbeautifier loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-karma loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-contrib-jade loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-exec loadNpmTask mentioned
fixture registered task mentioned
beautify registered task mentioned
check registered task mentioned
test registered task mentioned

This script doesn’t really prove much of anything, but it may help us find errors. Here, for instance, is a run in a project that is not properly configured for our jasmine-jquery tests:


*** setup ***

js-beautify exists
beautified karma.conf.js
beautified Gruntfile.js

*** These tests are meant to help you find problems in
*** karma.conf and Gruntfile. They are not definitive

preprocessor not found
jasmine-jquery not found
exec task config not found
jade task config not found
grunt-contrib-clean loadNpmTask not found
grunt-contrib-jshint loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-jscs loadNpmTask not found
grunt-jsbeautifier loadNpmTask not found
grunt-karma loadNpmTask mentioned
grunt-contrib-jade loadNpmTask not found
grunt-exec loadNpmTask not found
fixture registered task not found
beautify registered task not found
check registered task not found
test registered task mentioned

The output should be easier to read in the bash shell since it is colorized with missing code in red and found code in green.

Example Program

I have an example program in JsObjects called JasmineJQueryTest. To use it, do the following:

grunt fixture
grunt test

It should produce the following output:

  Elvenware Simple Plain Suite
    ✓ expects true to be true

  Test Jasmine-JQuery Suite
    ✓ shows we can get at least 1 <P> element

Another Way to Load Jamine-jquery

For some reason, I don’t really like this one:

First install karma-jasmine-jquery:

npm install karma-jasmine-jquery

Then add it to the plugins section of karma-conf.js:

frameworks: ['jasmine-jquery', 'jasmine'],

plugins: ['karma-jasmine',

Do this in .jscsrc:

"excludeFiles": ["**/node_modules/**", "**/components/**", "spec/bitly-links.js"]