
This document is a description of the final for Isit320, Fall, 2016.


  • Bring DataMaster to the furthest point you can without including known bugs.
  • Bring DataHunter (the game) to the furthest point you can without including known bugs
  • Run both programs on EC2 with systemd (or Upstart) so that they stay up after you close the SSH connection.
    • Run DataMaster on port 30026
    • Run DataHunter on port 30025

Or vice-versa. The best plan is to submit the URL for both DataMaster and DataHunter.

Smoke Test

Here is the final smoketest:

#! /bin/bash

NC='\033[0m' # No Color

# Use set -e to exit on error
set -e

function check() {
  if [ -d $1 ]; then
    cd $1
    echo "Directory $1 does not exist."
    echo "Please fix the problem and try again."


  if [ ! -d node_modules ]; then
     # npm install
     ln -s ~/tmp/node_modules node_modules

  grunt check

  cd ..


function basicTypes() {
    for i in $BASIC_TYPES
         if [ -d $i ]; then
            echo -e $LIGHT_GREEN"Directory $BLUE$i$LIGHT_GREEN exists$NC"
            check "$i"
            echo -e $LIGHT_RED"Directory $BLUE$i$LIGHT_RED does not exist$NC"
    if $A_OK ; then
        echo -e $LIGHT_GREEN"BasicTypes has at least one good directory.$NC"
        echo -e $LIGHT_RED"Basic Types is not good$NC"
        exit 1

function fancy() {
    if [ -d $A1 ]; then
        echo "Directory $A1 exists"
        if [ -d $A2 ]; then
            echo "Directory $A2 exists"
            echo "Neither Directory $A1 or $A2 exists"

function Weeks01To04() {
    check Week01-ExpressBasics/
    check Week02-GetNumbers/
    check Week02-JavaScriptObjects/
    check Week02-ObjectBasicsJasmine/
    check Week03-CouchDbDemo/
    check Week03-CouchDbViews/
    check Week03-ExpressJQuery/
    check Week03-ExpressRoutes/
    check Week04-PointerLock/
    check Week04-ThreeFloor/
    check Week04-ThreeJsBasics/

function Weeks05To07 {
    check Week05-MazeBuilder/
    check Week06-MazeDataReader/
    check Week07-Midterm/

function Weeks08To09() {
    check Week08-Facebook/
    #check Week08-Google/
    check Week08-Passport/
    check Week09-SessionBasics/
    check Week09-SessionCouch/

function Weeks10ToFinal() {
    check Week10-JadeMixinBasics
    check Week10-SessionMaster
    check DataHunter
    check DataMaster


I’ve commented out Week08-Google as I can’t remember whether or not that was ever included as a necessary part of our Passport assignments.

Logging In

I expect log in to work on EC2 for at least two our of three of these authorities:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

Provide some means of “proving” to me that you are logged in. For instance, at minimum, your app should provide a menu choice that shows me your session object, and you should ensure that the session object contains details of the currently logged in client. I should be able to log in, log out, and switch authorities (from say Google to Facebook) and see those actions reflected in the object you display:

Screenshot of session object with information on logged in user clearly visible

The part I’m looking for begins with the word passport and contains my name, the auth provider (google), etc:

Auth Callback Urls

You are able to have more than one callback URL, at least in most cases. For instance, on Google, I have 5 redirect URLs and two authorized JavaScript origins. On the Facebook login settings page, you can also set multiple URIs. Apparently, Twitter does not support this. So, for now, I suggest we do this:

  • Everyone should have sign in working on EC2 for at least two authorities, and I must be able to see that you are logged in or logged out by choosing some menu option that shows me at least some recognizable part of your session object.
  • For extra credit, see if you can find out the URL on the client side by looking at the Express request.header.referer property. This should be the URL seen in the address bar of the client who makes a request. Use this information to craft the appropriate callback URL for Google and Facebook. In other words, automagically use one callback URL when on EC2 and another callback URL when on localhost. Because twitter does not support multiple callback URLs, I don’t think that will work for Twitter unless I started playing with my hosts file.

So that I can easily grade your homework, please add these URIs:

  • http://localhost:30026/etc
  • For instance: http://localhost:30026/facebook/login/return

This screenshot might be helpful, but remember that your callback URLs might be slightly different, and you might need more than this to get your code working. The key point is that it provides callback URLs for both localhost on 30025 and on 30026.

Google Redirects from the Developer Console Page

When taking the above screen shot, I was in the Google Developer console, somewhere near here:

Getting the Referer

To get the server side code to get the host name (referer) for the client, that is the URL seen in the address bar of the browser when making a request, try looking at


Here, for instance, is the request.headers object on my current machine:

   { host: 'localhost:30026',
     connection: 'keep-alive',
     accept: 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
     'if-none-match': 'W/"1f4-dNg/QpSgqXCMzwXceYM7Ag"',
     'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest',
     'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/53.0.2785.143 Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36',
     referer: 'http://localhost:30026/',
     'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, sdch',
     'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
     cookie: 'connect.sid= SOME ENDLESS STRING' },

Note the referer and host properties of this object. You might also want to look at request.originalUrl. Try mirroring these values back to you when you ask for hte session object.

Turn it in

  • About 70% percent of your grade will involve creating bug free programs at mid-term level or higher.
  • The remaining 30% of your grade involve implementing the features outlined in the FinalPrep assignments, and in other assignments we have done this quarter.

In short, if you can turn in something that works, that includes what we covered through the midterm, then you will probably pass the course. To get a good grade, you need to complete all the features that we have outlined throughout the assignments in this course. I am particularly interested in seeing that you have followed the following programs:

  • DRY: Don’t repeat yourself
  • SRP: Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open/Closed Principle: Open to Extension, closed to modification

I will grade on a curve that is based on the degree of experience that developers brought into the course. It will be easier for developers with less experience to do well in the course. A straight A, however, is reserved for those with experience who have mastered the topics in the course, and particularly the three principles outlined above.

I’ll be expecting your final code to be in your repository, on the master branch, in two folders:

  • DataMaster
  • DataHunter

You can tell me about other versions of your code on other branches that may be more advanced, but buggier. Remember, however, when looking at your final code, I’m looking for bug free programs. In this final, at least, fewer features and fewer bugs is better than more features and more bugs. But the more bug free features you can create the better.

NOTE: I’m not looking for release quality software. I won’t be trying to break your program. When I say bug free, I mean that I can choose a menu item or hyperlinker, be taken to a feature, and have it work correctly at least the first time I select it.

If there can be any doubt about what code you want me to look at, or even if there can’t be any doubt, do something like this when you submit:

  • Branch: master
  • Database: DataMaster
  • Game: DataHunter

Just spell it out so there can be no confusion. Thanks.

Merging and Checkout

To get DataMaster, or changes to DataMaster, into the master branch, you should be able to just checkout the Week11/DataMaster code into master. Something like this:

git checkout master
git checkout Week11 -- DataMaster

This should put the DataMaster project from the Week11 branch in master. It does not, however, commit the changes, which means you have a chance to review everything and make sure it worked. After poking around for a bit, if all looks well, you can commit and push.

You can also view the difference between two commits like this:

git difftool master Week11 – DataMaster

The checkout will replace any existing files and will add new files, but it will not delete files that are no longer needed. The difftool command, however, will catch cases where a file was deleted from branch Week11 and should therefore be deleted from master.

Note that this will compare only files that are committed, not the difference between files that have been modified or added. See also:


Set up CouchDb

Run the CouchDb script in ~/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/NodeInstall

Then edit the /etc/couchdb/local.ini file:

sudo nano /etc/couchdb/local.ini

Set the bindaddress to In the local.ini file, a semi-colon is a comment, so you will need to delete the comment.

Be sure to see the details here which describe restarting couchdb:

Facebook ID

We have to set up the Facebook ClientId as mentioned here:

In your data-master.service file, set environment variables in this line:


So it looks something like this, but your folder, user name and group are different, and these are fake, and much too short, FACEBOOK IDs:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/charlie/bin/data-master/bin/www



In your package.json file, this works:

"start": ". ../setClientId && nodemon ./bin/www",

This way, when you type npm start, you source setClientId and then start your app. In particular, this code means source the setClientId file in the directory one level closer to the root from your current directory:

  • . ../setClientId

This means you want to add a second activity to the npm start property:

  • &&

And this, of course, is the code to start your application with nodemon:

  • nodemon ./bin/www


If you are having trouble with .when and routes and queryControllers and CouchDb, be sure to study these examples:

Be sure to run a git pull before trying to find these files in your copy of JsObjects. Search entries or author

Session Notes

Geting the session data to work in DataMaster is proving a challenge to many people. So lets simplify as CouchDB can easily bare the load in our case.

Though it would be best to have two databases, I think it is simpler to view and store Sesssion code in DataMaster if we use only one database. I don’t think we have to do this, but it might be simpler for most of us to implement things this way.

In my own code, I have extended set-server.js to include the dbName:

var servers = ['',
var serverIndex = 1;
var serverUrl = servers[serverIndex];
var dbName = 'game_data_LASTNAME'; <=== REPLACE LAST NAME
console.log('Middleware attaching to database on: ', serverUrl);
console.log('Using Databasse:', dbName);

module.exports.serverUrl = serverUrl;
module.exports.dbName = dbName;

I have used it in two files. Here it is in Couch.js:

// Couch.js
var setServer = require('./set-server');
var nano = require('nano')(setServer.serverUrl);
var dbName = setServer.dbName;   <==== HERE

And here in middleware.js:

// Middleware
var sessionStore = sessionstore.createSessionStore({
    type: 'couchdb',
    host: setServer.serverUrl,
    port: 5984,
    dbName: setServer.dbName,   <=== HERE
    collectionName: 'sessions',
    timeout: 10000
}, function(data) {
    'use strict';
    console.log('sessionStore callback', data);

Now I am able to get both my game data and my session store data from same database. This meant I had to change my design doc slightly:

var elfSessions = function(doc) {
    if (doc.collectionName === 'sessions') {
        emit(doc._id, doc);

// CODE OMMITTED: npcsBulk and npcsOneDoc DEFINED HERE

router.get('/designDoc', function(request, response) {
    console.log('Design Doc Called');

    var designName = '_design/game';
    var designDocument = {
        'views': {
            'npcsBulk': {
                'map': npcsBulk
            'npcsOneDoc': {
                'map': npcsOneDoc
            'elf-sessions': {
                'map': elfSessions

    createDesignDocument(designDocument, designName, response);

And then make sure CouchViews.js has this:

router.get('/viewSessions', function(request, response) {
    console.log('/viewSessions called', request.query, dbName);
    var nanoDb = nano.db.use(dbName);
    nanoDb.view(request.query.designDoc, request.query.view, function(err, body) {
        if (!err) {
            //var data = body.rows[0].value.map(function(a) {
            //    return a;
                'name': 'viewSessions',
                docs: body
        } else {

And be sure you call it now not with elf-session but with game:

return runQuery('/viewSessions?designDoc=game&view=elf-sessions', $q);

Also make sure you are using elf-sessionstore and not sessionstore.

npm uninstall sessionstore --save
npm install elf-sessionstore --save

And then, in middleware, require elf-sessionstore, not sessionstore.