Isit320 Midterm 2015
This document is still being tweaked, but there is enough here to get you to a reasonably complete state.
Here are the steps to complete the midterm:
Polish the following programs, making sure they run smoothly, test cleanly, and are reasonably complete:
- BitlyRefine
- TwitterRefine
- BootstrapDelicious
Extend at least one of these programs to support viewing images stored in the cloud. Delicious might be a good choice for this.
Create a new program called Week08-Midterm. The program should integrate Delicious, Bitly and Twitter.
Store links in:
- Bitly
- Delicious
NOTE: I have pulled this section of the midterm as too ambitious: View a *gallery* of images created from Bitly or Delicious links and Twitter posts. We will do this before the quarter ends, but not yet.
What to Build
Create a new project based on Week08-Single-Page-Express. Alternatively, copy your Bitly Refine or Twitter Refine application into a new folder labeled: Week08-Midterm. If you copied a project, make all the appropriate changes regarding the name of the application. When changing the title in /routes/index.js make sure to include your name. For instance: midterm-lastname.
Your modified app should have the following as shown in this video:
Four radio buttons in a panel labeled Image Source:
- Bitly
- Delicious
- Local
When the buttons are selected, search Bitly, Delicious or Twitter for your images. These means you need to create groups or hash tags in Bitly, Delicious and Twitter that will return the results you expect. For instance here is a possible twitter tag for my images: #calvert-images.
To make all this work, I created three three files and put them in public/javascripts/link:
- bitly.js
- twitter.js
- delicious.js
The code for handling our various link options is in each of these files. The bitly cloud and bitly local requests are handled in bitly.js, the twitter requests in twitter.js, and the delicious requests in delicious.js. In general, the code from the:
- TwitterRefine version of control.js is found in twitter.js
- DelicousBootstrap version of control.js is found in delicious.js
- BitlyRefine version of control.js is found in bitly.js
I tweaked the code here and there, and wrapped stand alone functions in JavaScript literal objects, but otherwise the majority of the code ported over unchanged. In general, the code changes were focused on changes in naming conventions, not in a program logic.
For instance, consider this excerpt from the sole object found in delicious.js:
var elfDelicious = {
delicious: function() {
'use strict';
var subject = $('#subject').val();
As you can see, this is similar to a method found in BootstrapDelicious. There was only one change:
callDelicious(subject) -> elfDelicious.callDelicious(subject)
Make some other minor changes to ensure that the unit tests pass. For instance:
- For better of worse, I have changed elfDownloads.getBitlyData to elfDownloads.getLinks.
What to Test
And the test runs should look a bit like this:
There is a folder called $ELF_TEMPLATES/UnitTest/Isit320Midterm2015 which currently contains at least numerous test suites. Use the new focused specs feature from Jasmine 2.1 to work with one suite at a time. To do this, change describe to fdescribe or it to fit. It you make a suite with fdescribe, then just that one suite will run and the others won’t clutter your screen:
Don’t forget to add this to karma.conf.js:
reporters: ['spec'],
specReporter: {
suppressSkipped: true // do not print information about skipped tests
plugins: [
Don’t forget that moving code in the link folder means you have to tweak the karma.conf.js files property:
files: [
The change is in the third line of the array. We morphed public/javascripts/.js** to **public/javascripts/**/.js. This ensures that all javascripts in the public/javascripts and its subdirectiries gets loaded.
NOTE: It is definitely worth the effort to learn at least a little about glob syntax such as **/.js*
Also make sure all the tests for BitlyRefine pass, as expained here. The tests for that program are maintained here:
These tests are similar to the midterm tests, but not identical.
Make sure the check-karma-grunt-config bash script passes. This file can be copied from JsObjects to your ~/bin directory:
cp $JSOBJECTS/Utilities/NodeInstall/check-karma-grunt-config ~/bin/.
Then copy the tests from the Templates/UnitTest/Isit320Midterm2015 directory to your spec folder and make sure they all pass. The goal here is to help you complete the midterm, but getting the tests to pass also effects your grade.
You can have tests of your own besides the ones that I create. It would be good to prefix your tests with your last name:
- lastname-test-basic.js
- lastname-custom-tests.js
And so on. I’m not concerned about the name you give you the test files, only that I can easily tell your tests from my tests. Also, this will ensure that your custom tests are not lost when copy tests from JsObjects.
Create Bitly.html
At some point in development, you want to take most of the jade from Week08-BitlyRefine and put it in views/bitly.jade. Don’t link in layout.jade with an extend statement.
Then you want to run tests on the HTML generated by bitly.jade. To do this, you need to create the bitly.html that is loaded automatically by the tests I give you. Here is the command to create that HTML file:
jade views/bitly.jade --out spec/fixtures
A successful run looks like this:
$ jade views/bitly.jade --out spec/fixtures
rendered spec/fixtures/bitly.html
Turn it in
Update your Bitly, Delicious and Twitter projects. Create and complete as best you can the midterm, placing it in the folder specified above.
Below are various hints, suggestions and details that will help you complete the midterm.
Load Routes
Make sure that you have code in routes/index.js for handling all three routes that load the HTML for our application. There needs to be one route for Bitly, one for Delicious, and one for Twitter:
router.get('/delicious', function(req, res, next) {
'use strict';
res.render('delicious', { title: 'Delcious' });
// and so on...
The main class in control.js should now be called elfMidterm. The code for calling the server, creating the URL, and similar tasks should all be in the objects found in the public/javascripts/link folder.
- #isit320-calvert-images
Make sure the dashes work. I tried this on Bitly: elf-image. It did not work. But image did. I assume the trouble was the tag.
The query on bitly:<TOKEN>&query=image
Display the images in a clickable list. When the user clicks on an item, display the image.
Showing Images
To show an image dynamically, you can start with an image tag in your HTML:
+elfPanel("Image Display").elfDiv
Then its nice to have a little code that will fill in the src field of the image tag when the user selects an image:
hyperlinkUrl: function(index, text, url) {
var anchor = '<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + text + '</a>';
var details = '<a onclick="elfDisplay.displayImage(' + index + ')">Details</a>';
return { title: anchor, keyword: details };
displayImage: function(index) {
var link = elfBitly.getLinkHistoryItem(index);
$('#image').attr('src', link.keyword_link);
You have seen a variation of the first method before under the name appendUrl. It is used to wrap a bit of text in an anchor. This makes it clickable; it turns it into a hyperlink.
Here is what you img tag looks like before the displayImage method is called:
<img id="image">
After the displayImage method is called, the HTML that you create looks like this:
<img id="image" src="">
The second line of code in the method sets the src attribute of the img element. This is all that needs to be done to load the image. If you are at all unclear on how the img tag and its src attribute work, please take a moment to do some research on the web. You have to understand those subjects to understand this code, or to continue doing any kind of serious work on the web.
NOTE: In my implementation, both the hyperlinkUrl method, which you have seen before, and the displayImage method, are part of the elfDisplay object.
Create Modules
I might well need more before I’m done, but I’m working hard to create small, easy to manage objects:
[charlie@rohan-gate ~/Git/isit320-calvert-2015/Week08-Midterm]
$ ls -l public/javascripts/
total 16
-rw-rw-r-- 1 charlie charlie 2467 Nov 7 15:19 control.js
-rw-rw-r-- 1 charlie charlie 2357 Nov 7 15:47 display.js
-rw-rw-r-- 1 charlie charlie 1143 Nov 7 15:26 downloads.js
-rw-rw-r-- 1 charlie charlie 475 Nov 7 14:51 movement.js
Of course, you will have to load this code in layout.jade as shown below.
Fav-Icon Missing - 404
Sometimes, on startup, you get an error about your favorite icon missing. I believe the CreateExpressProject script will put a 32 X 32 image file called called favicon.png in your public directory. To display the icon, you need to open app.js. Around line 17 you will find this code:
// uncomment after placing your favicon in /public
//app.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'favicon.ico')));
Uncomment the second line and change favicon.ico to favicon.png.
// uncomment after placing your favicon in /public
app.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'favicon.png')));
Now the error should go away. You can use any image editor you want to modify the favicon.png file. On Linux, the tool of choice is called gimp, but simpler tools will probably a do simple job like this just as well.
Create Launcher
When we run our tests, control.js gets loaded. At the bottom (or top) of control.js is this code:
$(document).ready(function() {
'use strict';
$('#localData').prop('checked', true);
Notice in particular the call to getBitlyLinks. This call, or any similar call, will fail when we are running our tests. There are several solutions to this, but on simple solution is to move documennt ready into its own file, and then exclude that file from our tests. In particular, we can create a file called loader.js:
$(document).ready(function() {
'use strict';
My elfMidterm is in control.js and looks like this:
var elfMidterm = {
initialize: function() {
'use strict';
$('#localData').prop('checked', true);
Then load the file in layout.jade
doctype html
meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width')
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css')
block content
And exclude it form karma.conf.js:
files: [
// list of files to exclude
exclude: ['public/javascripts/loader.js'],
Now our document ready function will get loaded when we run our program, but not when we run our tests.
Call Server
When the user selects a radio button designating the service he wants to see, this method gets called:
elfDownloads.dataTypeSelection = function(event) {
'use strict';
if ($('#localData').is(':checked')) {
$('#radioButtonDisplay01').html('You clicked Local');
if (elfDownloads.dataType !== elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtLocal) {
elfDownloads.dataType = elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtLocal;
} else if ($('#bitlyData').is(':checked')) {
$('#radioButtonDisplay01').html('You clicked Bitly ');
if (elfDownloads.dataType !== elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtBitly) {
elfDownloads.dataType = elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtBitly;
} else if ($('#deliciousData').is(':checked')) {
if (elfDownloads.dataType !== elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtDelicious) {
$('#radioButtonDisplay01').html('You clicked Delicious ');
elfDownloads.dataType = elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtDelicious;
} else if ($('#twitterData').is(':checked')) {
if (elfDownloads.dataType !== elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtTwitter) {
$('#radioButtonDisplay01').html('You clicked Twitter ');
elfDownloads.dataType = elfDownloads.dataTypes.dtTwitter;
If the user chooses either local or cloud bitly, then elfCallServer.loadBitly is called. If they choose delicious or twitter, then similar methods is elfCallServer are triggered.
The code in elfCallServer handles:
- Calling the server to ask it to transform JADE into HTML and to send it to us via HTTP. For instance, delicious.jade becomes delicious.html.
- Call a setup method that ensures that the buttons and other controls for programs are properly initialized.
The one exceptoin is bitly which still just uses the downloads object to set up its display. This will need to be changed in a later version.
var elfCallServer = {
loadBitly: function () {
'use strict';
loadDelicious: function () {
'use strict';
$('#displayContainer').load('/delicious', function (response, status, xhr) {
if (status == 'error') {
var msg = 'Sorry but there was an error: ';
console.log(msg + xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText);
} else {
loadTwitter: function () {
'use strict';
$('#displayContainer').load('/twitter', function (response, status, xhr) {
if (status == 'error') {
var msg = 'Sorry but there was an error: ';
console.log(msg + xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText);
} else {
Find Images
A discussion of how to find and store images will be on elvenware in cloud/FindImages page. For now, however, you can find it on
Package Compare
Sometimes it helps to compare the package.json files for two projects when you want to combine them. For instance, if we are trying to add TwitterRefine code to our midterm, then compare the TwitterRefine package.json file to the midterm package.json file. See if there is something obvious missing that you include in the TwitterRefine package.json that should be in the Midterm package.json. In this particular case, the following line might be relevent:
"twitter": "^1.2.5"
The version is not some important, just the inclusion of the twitter package in package.json. You will, of course, have to either:
- Add the package to package.json by running npm install twitter –save-dev
- Or run npm install after editing package.json by hand.