
Hopefully there is enough information here to get you well into this project, but check up here regularly for updates. This document is not complete, nor completely fact checked.

NOTE: After you have received a final grade, consider whether or not you want to turn off your running EC2 instance on AWS.

There are several primary goals:

  • Start your ElvenImagePicker or equivalent server running on AWS with UpStart.
  • Make sure that the web front end for it works smoothly.
  • Port the ElvenImagePicker or equivalent to a new Cordova Application and make sure it can call into the ElvenImagePicker server on EC2.
  • Use elf-log from your bower and npm packages on both the client and server sides.

Do your work in a branch with the name final in it. Specify the branch and project names when you turn in the assignment.

I’m willing to show some flexibility in most cases if you don’t complete every step of the final. Get a reasonable amount of work done, but don’t stay up too late trying to complete every last step. Do the best you can, and explain clearly what you were able to complete so I can know where to focus my attention.

You need not duplicate this exactly. It is just for those who find it useful:

Sample Run

The image shown here is running on localhost. On EC2 it would have an IP address in the hyperlinks leading to the created documents.


Running these can help ensure EC2 and Pristine Lubuntu are set up correctly. The latter two are probably only needed on Pristine where we use Cordova, but do them in both places just in case:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
sudo apt-get install lib32z1

Step One

We created a CordovaFinalPrep Cordova app. Create new app called Week12Final.

Here is how to create your working folder for the final Cordova project. The syntax for the Cordova create command looks a bit like this:

$ cordova create --help

    cordova create <PATH> [ID [NAME [CONFIG]]] [options] [PLATFORM...]

Create a Cordova project

    PATH ......................... Where to create the project
    ID ........................... reverse-domain-style package name
    NAME ......................... human readable field
    CONFIG ....................... json string with key/values

For additional details, issue the cordova create –help command yourself in the bash shell.

Given the above, you want to navigate to your repository and type

cordova create Week12Final com.lastname.isit322_final Isit322FinalLastName

Be sure to use underscores and not hyphens. The command above will place your project in a directory called Week12Final. The project name on your android will be Isit322FinalLastName, where LastName is your last name.

Copy the install script over from the FinalPrep project and alter the uninstall command so that it uses com.lastname.isit322_final.

If you need to rename a project, see the information found here:

Step Two

Optionally copy custom icons over as explained here.

Now add the platform:

cordova platform add android

Step Three: Connect

Make sure you are connected to your phone or to an instance of Android x86.

Connect to your device:

adb connect

Step Four: Build

Build and install the project

cordova build android
adb install <PATH TO APK>

Test it, make sure it works.

Step Four: Merge Source Code:

Copy over files from the CordovaFinalPrep project. Use meld to add any necessary updates from your ElvenImagePicker or equivalent project. Find the version you like the most, and copy over its files.

There is information on how to convert an Express project to a Cordova project on this page:

HINT: Make sure the two projects are near each other in your directory structure. This will make the act of copying from one project to another as simple as possible. For instance, if your repository is called isit322-lastname-2016 and your best version of the Midterm is in a folder called Week10-ElvenImagePicker, then you want the folders arranged like this:

  • isit322-lastname-2016/Week10-ElvenImagePicker
  • isit322-lastname-2016/Week12Final

Navigate to the root of your repository and use meld. One useful comparison might be one like this:

meld  Week10-ElvenImagePickter/public Week12Final/www

Or compare with CordovaFinalPrep:

meld  Week10-CordovaFinalPrep/www Week12Final/www

A script for automating the process can be both useful and a bit dangerous. It might look something like this, though the details will of course differ considerably:

    #! /bin/bash


    # mv www/index.html www/index.html.old

    cp -v $SOURCE_QUERY/public/javascripts/Control.js www/js/.
    cp -v $SOURCE_QUERY/views/index.html www/.
    cp -v $SOURCE_QUERY/public/css/style.css www/css/.
    cp -v $SOURCE_QUERY/.bowerrc .
    cp -v $SOURCE_QUERY/bower.json .

Don’t view this as written in stone. For instance, There may be additional lines you wish to add such as:

cp -v $SOURCE_QUERY/public/css/Custom.css www/css/.

Now you want to build and install the updated version of your android project and fuss with it until it starts

Elf Log

Include both your bower lastname-tools and your npm isit322-lastname packages in the project. I don’t care how much you use elf-log and your utils, but give me at least one example of your log actually printing something (set log level on your outgoing message to details) so that I can see it working. In particular, use it:

  • Once at the top of control.js.
  • Once at the top of routes/index.js.

I pick these two locations just because they should be easy for me to find.

Turn it in

Specify the branch name and project names when you turn in the assignment.

NOTE: After you have received a final grade, consider whether or not you want to turn off your running EC2 instance on AWS.

The final you turn in should contain two pieces:

  • Your Web App running on EC2 under UpStart
  • The source code for your Web App and Cordova Project.

Use your common sense when developing the final:

  • To do well on the final, you need to:
    • Have your midterm running as a web app and as a Cordova app. Not perfect, but at least something. Even if it errors out, submit at least something.
  • If you are one of the best students in the class, go for more features, more extra credit.
  • If you are struggling, go for fewer features, just the core, not so much extra credit.
  • Note that having the web app running on AWS can be a nice calling card at a job interview. Having your app on our phone would be nice too. If the phone is overwhelming for you, I can give you some leeway here, but turn in at least something.

My major goal is to see that you have some understanding of the various technologies we have covered this quarter.

The following list is both a reminder of what to include and a checklist to go through before submitting:

  1. The complete URL, including elastic ip, for your web app running on EC2
    • Screen shot of your android app running on your mobile device or on AndroidX86.
    • lastname-tools set to latest version in your bower.json
    • isit322-lastname set to latest version in your package.json
    • Test your work to make sure that both package.json and bower.json are complete. For you web app I should be able to run npm install and bower install and then have everything just work.
    • A working install script for your android application.
    • A link to the Apache web site your created with your web application.
    • User can pick bootstrap them (cerulian, darkly, cosmo, etc)
    • Links for web app and android app after you run walk lead to your apache site on EC2.
    • Your elven-site.conf file for upstart. Put it in the root of your final project.
    • Don’t forget to tell me the name of the folder and branch that contains your final project.

This section is not yet complete. Just try to use your common sense.

Extra Credit

I’ve updated ElvenSitePixPicker:

See if you can get it running in the final. What I’m looking for is the ability to do what ElvenImages does from the command line. It should create a california.md or similar file based on the images found in /var/www/html/images/california or a similar folder. I would like to see two buttons:

  • One that creates the file
  • One that deletes the file

I would also like to see enough feedback on the client side to know if the calls succeed or fail.


Look over the JsObjects/Cordova/ projects. Make sure you understand them. The relationship between CordovaNodeRoutes and NodeRouteParams is similar to the relationship between your Cordova and Web App versions of the Final. Compare, for instance, their respective versions of Control.js and style.css.

meld CordovaNodeRoutes/www ../JavaScript/NodeCode/NodeRoutesParams/public/

Compare the two versions of control.js.

You are also going to want to compare the code in Week12Final and Week10-ElvenImagePicker. The tool you want is meld. Here is the command, as it would be issued from the root of your repository:

meld Week12Final/www Week10-ElvenImagePicker/public

This will allow you to compare the contents of www and public. You can see line by line differences between the files in the two projects, and you can copy individual lines from one file to the other.

Python Web Server

Python has a small web server built into it. You can start the server running in your www directory:

$ python3 -m http.server 30025

Then go to http://localhost:30025.

You can then debug some parts of your application. By no means will everything work. In particular, you can’t call into your server this way, since it is not running, or at least it was not loaded by the Python web server. This means that the SELECT controls won’t fill in. But you can check if the pages are loading properly, if css and bootstrap are set up, etc.

Run the Python web server in your www folder to see if you have at least parts of the app working correctly. For instance, you can check if you are loading all the files properly.

    $ python3 -m http.server 30025
    Serving HTTP on port 30025 ... - - [21/Mar/2015 10:01:02] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Mar/2015 10:01:04] "GET /www/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -

You only need to type the first line shown above. The rest are output from the server once it starts.



In Canvas, the final and midterm are assigned 100 points, indicating that I am grading them on a scale of 0 to 100. But each of these assignments are worth 1/3 of your grade, and combined, they are worth nearly 2/3 of your grade. Details in the Syllabus.

For instance, if we had had only two assignments this quarter, then a student might have received these scores:

  • Assignment One: 100
  • Assignment Two: 98
  • Midterm: 80
  • Final: 80

I average out the assignments, then find the average of the assignments average plus the midterm and final. Then a score might be calculated something like this:

Assignments average: 99
Midterm: 80
Final: 80

Final Score: 86

Conversely, if the average for the assignments was 80, then a good score on the Final and Midterm can help turn that work into an A:

Assignments average: 80
Midterm: 98
Final: 100

Final Score: 93

I then have a little fudge factor to help someone with a 91 average to get a 92, if their class participation, enthusiasm, and overall effort indicated that they deserved that reward.