Jasmine Server Side
We want to be able to run tests on the server side that confirms the validity of our code. It is also important to run tests on the client side, in the browser, but that is not our goal in this exercise.
We will use Jasmine as our test framework. For instructions on how to set Jasmine up for these kinds of tests, see the following two sections of the Jasmine document on Elvenware:
Assignment Repo
Get the assignment repo:
cd ~/Git
git clone http://github.com/charliecalvert/elven-assignments.git
Copy the GetNumbers and ObjectBasicsJasmine assignments to your repository. The destination folders should be called Week02-GetNumbers and Week02-ObjectBasicsJasmine. You will need to make changes to the commands shown below. In particular, substitute valid values for the placeholder X. For instance, progXXX might become prog219 or isit320. Replace lastname with your last name. Its up to you make the proper substitutions.
cd ~/Git/elven-assignments cp -r GetNumbers ~/Git/progXXX-lastname-201X/Week02-GetNumbers cp -r ObjectBasicsJasmine ~/Git/progXXX-lastname-201X/Week02-ObjectBasicsJasmine
NOTE: I will frequently spell out the commands for basic Linux operations like the copy commands shown above, particularly early in the quarter. However, it really should be enough for me to just tell you what to do, rather than having to spell out the details of how to do it. In general, I’m not going to accept a typo on my part in code such as that shown above as an excuse for not completing an assignment on time.
Number Tests
The first step is write code that will the GetNumbers tests to pass when you type either jasmine or node jasmine-runner.js in the project root. Begin by install the necessary libraries:
npm install
Recall that this command installs the libraries listed in package.json.
Then run the tests:
node jasmine-runner.js
When you succcessfully complete the operation, the output should look something like this:
$ node jasmine-runner.js
Spec started
GetNumbers Jasmine intro tests
✓ proves true is true
✓ proves getNumbers is an object
✓ shows getNumbers has nine methods
✓ shows getOne returns one
✓ shows getTwo returns two
✓ shows getThree returns three
✓ shows getFour returns four
✓ shows getFive returns five
✓ shows getSix returns six
✓ shows getSeven returns seven
✓ shows getEight returns eight
✓ shows getNine returns nine
Executed 12 of 12 specs SUCCESS in 0.007 sec.
Before you turn in your work, make sure all your code is clean by running grunt check:
$ grunt check
Running "jsbeautifier:files" (jsbeautifier) task
Beautified 5 files, changed 0 files...OK
Running "jscs:src" (jscs) task
>> 5 files without code style errors.
Running "jshint:files" (jshint) task
>> Report "result.xml" created.
If you get any errors when running grunt check, clean up your code before submitting the assignment.
Object Tests
Complete the ObjectBasicsJasmine tests just as you did the GetNumbers tests. The output should looks like this:
$ node jasmine-runner.js
Spec started
My Object Test Suites
Object Basics with Require
✓ proves true is true
✓ proves that one is smaller than two
✓ proves myObject is an object
✓ shows myObject is not a function object
✓ shows myObject has three methods
✓ shows myObject has two numeric properties
✓ shows myObject has one string property
Executed 7 of 7 specs SUCCESS in 0.008 sec.
This exercise is designed to see if you know how to declare an object literal, and how to use an exports statement to export it from the module in which it resides.
When working on this assignment, compare what you see in Source/MyObject.js to what you found in the GetNumbers/Source/GetNumber.js file. Declare your main object, called myObject in a manner similar to the way getNumbers is declared in the GetNumbers project. Also, use the same syntax for exporting myObject, but use the identifier myObject rather than getNumbers. You will also need to declare two numeric properties, a string property, and three methods as properties of myObject. The numbers, strings and methods you declare can have any values and content you want, the point is simply that you declare them.
Turn it in
Make sure all the tests pass, that grunt check comes back clean, and that none of the code in the test suites has changed.
When you submit the assignment, tell me the names of the folders in your repository where I can find your work, especially if you did not use the names specified above.
NOTE: I don’t want anyone to feel any pressure to use the names I provide for the folders you use. I should, however, warn you that if you do not, then Clause 231, subsection 23, subparagraph 18 of the standard Bellevue College Agreement that you signed when you entered the college will be activated. This is the clause that involves the three to five year trip to Antarctica in search of the famous but highly elusive Antarctic Python. Food will be supplied, or at least tools with which you can procure food will be provided, but it is suggested that you dress warmly, and due to Climate Change, that you bring plenty of waterproof clothing in case the Ross Ice Shelf breaks up while you are crossing it. This is my way of suggesting that you carefully duplicate the exact folder names that I suggest you use. This makes my life a lot simpler. Some minor omissions may not seem like a big thing to you, but if 30 students all make me due 2 minutes extra work because of some careless omission, then that is an hour out of my life. Get the details right – even if I don’t! It is important in this line of work.