The Prog 219 Final for 2016 is broken out into their tiers, three sets of priorities. I’ll list the basic priorities first, intermediate level priorities second, and advanced priorities third. The more experience you have as a developer, the deeper into this list you should go. Those with little experience may complete only features from the basic tier and perhaps one or two items from the intermediate level. Those with lots of experience should get deeper into the list of advanced priorities.
NOTE: To some degree, you are being graded based on your relationship with others in the class who have a similar level of experience. Exactly what grade people with little experience will get depends in part on how other students with little experience did. Likewise, experienced students will be graded in relationship to other experienced students.
Everyone’s program should contain, at minimum, the following elements:
- Home and About pages
- Renewables by Index and Renewables by Year pages
- Simple Format Page
- A Bootswatch theme
- Karma tests run smoothly
- grunt check comes back clean
- Running your program on Heroku
- Having the database code working in Heroku is an advanced, third tier priority. I want to see your core program, that loads JSON, running on Heroku. Getting the database running on Heroku is an advanced, level three accomplishment.
These features of your final demonstrate that you understand the basics taught in the course, that you came to class regularly, and made a good faith effort to complete the course.
Your next set of priorities include:
- Ensuring your code is thoroughly refactored into
- Renewable and Energy Types folders on the client and server (public/javascripts, views)
- Files in the routes directory for handling settings (database) data.
- At least one of the following:
- High Tech Energy Overview Page
- High Tech Energy Types Page
- Menu works on both desktop and mobile device
This demonstrates your ability to take some of the concepts taught in the core portion of the course and implement them on your own with a minimum of hand holding.
Finally, if you have completed the features outlined above, you can attempt to produce a complete, well structured application:
- An Energy Types page with clickable msnTypes that filter your data
- Database page to import JSON data into MongoDB and display it.
- Settings page pulling and setting data in MongoDB
- Ability to use either JSON or MongoDB as your datasource for the renewables page.
- Ability to use the settings page to dynamically switch back and forth between displaying JSON data and MongoDB data for the renewables page.
- Get the database working on Heroku.
I’m expecting that most students won’t be able to complete all the features of the final. Consider adopting the following strategies:
- Put only your best work Heroku. This is your release and should contain only working features.
- Suppose you could only get one page working properly. Then put only that one page on Heroku.
- The code in your main repository can optionally contain broken features if you want to show that you nearly completed X or Y. In general, it will help to show that you at least tried to complete a page rather than never tried at all. For instance, if you got parts of the Energy Types page working, but not all of it, then include that page even if it is buggy. In your repository, but not on Heroku, I want to see what you tried to do as well as what you completed successfully. Again, put only your best work on Heroku.
- Don’t work too hard. A sane approach to a course like this is to work steadily throughout the quarter. It is very hard to solve an entire quarters worth of problems in two days.
- I understand that not everyone came into this course with the same level of experience. Don’t compare your work to the work of other students. I divided the features of the final into priorities in part to give students who are new to this kind of development some guidance. In some cases, just completing the first set of priorities will be enough to get you a respectable grade in this course. In other cases, I will expect to see nearly all the features in the third set of priorities completed. I think most of you know what I expect, but if you are unsure you can ask me for additional guidance. Consider, however, surprising me. Sometimes students do better than I expect. That’s always nice.
- Go to this page (the one you are reading right now) on the web frequently. Refresh the page at least once every time you visit it. At this stage, it will be difficult for me to add or remove features of the final, but it is likely that I will add hints or clarifications. You don’t won’t miss seeing a hint that could help you create a better program.
Extra credit
- Dynamically switch back and forth between using mLab and local data.
- Have the ability to switch back and forth between MongoDB and JSON as the datasource on all your pages.
- This would include, on the database page, the ability to import Energy Types data.
Figure 01: The home page of the final.
Figure 01: The database page is import JSON data into the MongoDb database. In this screenshot you can see many of the menu items.
Bootswatch provides themes for bootstrap.
Install it:
bower install bootswatch --save
In bower.json, you will probably have to edit the entry so it looks like this:
"bootswatch": "^3.3.6"
Make sure it does not contain “^3.3.6+2”.
Use it in layout.jade. Modify the line that loads bootstrap.css so that it looks something like this:
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/components/bootswatch/cyborg/bootstrap.css')
Cyborg is just one of the many themes available from bootswatch.
- Cerulean
- Cosmo
- Darkly
- Superhero
- And so on. They are all linked from the main menu at the bootswatch site.
Note that some of the controls, such as selects, won’t render correctly with some bootswatch themes unless you decorate them with the proper class. Here the form-control class provides support needed to allow bootswatch themes such as darkly to render correctly. This particular examples is from the settings page:
Add the .form-confol CSS class to all your HTML SELECT and INPUT controls. I just opened each jade file, looked for SELECT and INPUT controls, and added the class. Without it, I was having trouble reading the text in some of my controls when using certain bootswatch themes. In particular, I was sometimes finding that the text was rendering as black on a black background or white on a white background, making the text difficult or impossible to read. Just use the appropriate bootstrap CSS to fix these kinds of problems.
Figure03: Bootswatch Darkly Theme.
To help you get started using database in your app, let’s add the ability to track some settings in MongoDB.
Some key files and commands involved in implementing the settings page and its link to MongoDB:
- models/settings.js
- routes/connect.js
- routes/all-mongo.js
- public/javascript/database.js
Some files that need to change:
- public/javascript/app.js
- app.js
npm install mongoose –save
We want to save settings:
The model looks like this, only use your last name:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var settingsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
"keyNote": String,
"dataSource": String,
"dataType": String,
"comment": String
module.exports = mongoose.model('prog219_lastname_setting', settingsSchema);
NOTE: Please do not use hypens (-) in your model (collection) names. They work okay in mongoose, but the mongo shell has a hard time with them. Use underscores instead.
Good: module.exports = mongoose.model(‘prog272_lastname_setting’, settingsSchema); Bad: module.exports = mongoose.model(‘prog272-lastname-setting’, settingsSchema); Bad: module.exports = mongoose.model(‘prog272LastnameSetting’, settingsSchema);
Create a file in routes called database. Beside the standard code that can be found in routes/users.js, include this code:
var settings = require('../models/settings');
function saveSettings(request, response) {
console.log('request body', request.body);
var newSettings = new settings({
"keyNote": 'settings',
"dataSource": request.body.dataSource,
"dataType": request.body.dataType,
"comment": request.body.comment
console.log('inserting', newSettings.comment); {
console.log('saved: ', newSettings.dataSource, newSettings.dataType, newSettings.comment);
response.send({ result: 'success', query: request.body});
}'/updateSettings', function(request, response) {
console.log('request body', request.body);
if (!connect.connected) {
settings.findOne({keyNote: 'settings'}, function(err, doc) {
console.log('findone', err, doc);
if (err) {
response.send({result: 'error'});
} else {
if(doc === null) {
saveSettings(request, response);
} else {
doc.dataType = request.body.dataType;
doc.dataSource = request.body.dataSource;
doc.comment = request.body.comment;;
response.send( {result: 'success', query: request.body });
router.get('/getSettings', function(request, response) {
console.log('request body', request.body);
if (!connect.connected) {
settings.findOne({keyNote: 'settings'}, function(err, doc) {
console.log('findone', err, doc);
if (err) {
response.send({result: 'error'});
} else {
if(doc === null) {
response.send({settings: {dataType: 'Database', dataSource: 'Local MongoDb', comment: 'Default Comment'}})
} else {
response.send({settings: doc});
You will also need to set up the route in app.js:
var database = require('./routes/database'); <= About line 8
app.use('/database', database); <= About line 28
Remember that you are also going to need connect.js from our earlier assignment. Make sure the database is et to renew.
In connect.js you need to change this line:
db.once('open', function(callback) {
connect.connected = true; <== THIS IS CORRECT
console.log('Opened connection to mongo');
If you see connected = true; then you need to change it as shown above. Change in both simple and mLab. This is around lines 20 and 42 of routes/connect.js.
Settings Home Page
Update home.jade
// Created by charlie on 5/20/16. .container h1 Home #qux p MainData: {{mainData}} .panel.panel-default .panel-heading Settings .panel-body form(ng-submit='submit()') select(ng-model='formData.dataType') option Database option JSON hr select(ng-model='formData.dataSource') option Local MongoDb option MLab hr input(type="text", ng-model='formData.comment') hr button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") Submit .panel.panel-default .panel-heading Results .panel-body pre Mirror: {{resultMirror}} hr pre Full: {{resultFull}}
Update home.js
var elfApp = angular.module('elfApp');
elfApp.controller('HomeController', function ($scope, $http) {
'use strict';
$scope.mainData = 'HomeController MainData';
$scope.resultFull = '/database/saveSettings';
$scope.resultMirror = '/database/saveSettings';
$scope.list = ['foo'];
$scope.formData = {
'dataType': 'a',
'dataSource': 'b',
'comment': 'c'
$scope.text = 'hello';
$scope.submit = function () {
$'/database/updateSettings', $scope.formData).then(function (result) {
$scope.resultFull = JSON.stringify(result, null, 4);
$scope.resultMirror = JSON.stringify(, null, 4);
}, function(err) {
function readSettings() {
$http.get('/database/getSettings').then(function (result) {
$scope.resultFull = JSON.stringify(result, null, 4);
$scope.resultMirror = JSON.stringify(, null, 4);
$scope.formData = {
}, function(err) {
Settings Options
You know how to load and save the settings for your application. The next step is to change the behavior of the application based on those settings.
The user can choose to read data from either the database or a JSON file:
- Database
Let’s capture that choice in a simple object to be stored in its own file called public/javascripts/settings.js:
var myModule = angular.module('elfApp');
myModule.factory('settings', function () {
function settings() {
settings.useDatabase = true;
settings.useLocalMongoDb = true;
var report = function () {
console.log('useDatabase', settings.useDatabase);
console.log('useLocalMongoDb', settings.useLocalMongoDb)
settings.setSettings = function (settings) {
this.useDatabase = settings.dataType.toLowerCase() === 'database';
this.useLocalMongoDb = settings.dataSource.toLowerCase() === 'local mongodb';
return settings;
Then in home.js, you will need to use dependency injecttion to access the settings object:
elfApp.controller('HomeController', function($scope, $http, settings) {
Then in the same file, use it like this:
$scope.submit = function() {
etc ...
Then in your renewables page, again use dependency injection to insert the object into the RenewablesController. You can then use it like this:
$scope.getRenewable = function() {
var dataType = settings.useDatabase ? 0 : 1;
var urls = ['/database/allRenewables', 'data/Renewable.json'];
.then(function(res) {
if (settings.useDatabase) {
$scope.renewable = renewableUtils.getComplexFormat(;
} else {
$scope.renewable =;
$scope.renewableUtils = renewableUtils;
this.getComplexFormat = function(simpleRenewables) {
return {
return {
Year: renewable.year,
'Solar (quadrillion Btu)':,
'Geothermal (quadrillion Btu)': renewable.geothermal,
'Wind power (quadrillion Btu)': renewable.wind,
'Other biomass (quadrillion Btu)': renewable.biomass,
'Liquid biofuels (quadrillion Btu)': renewable.biofuels,
'Wood biomass (quadrillion Btu)': renewable.wood,
'Hydropower (quadrillion Btu)': renewable.hydropower
Database Notes
If you get Unclean shutdown detected., run this to fix it:
cd ./mongod --repair
On Cloud 9, To shutdown we should be able to do CTRL-C in the window where mongo is running. Or, try this from inside the mongo shell:
For more details on shuting down, go here:
In mongo shell, to empty a collection: db.myCollection.remove({}).
Make sure you put your preface your collections with prog219 and end them with your last name:
module.exports = mongoose.model('prog219_calvert_renewables', renewablesSchema);
NOTE: Please do not use hypens (-) in your model (collection) names. They work okay in mongoose, but the mongo shell has a hard time with them. Let’s use underscores instead.
In routes/connect.js, set your simple url to use a dbs called renew:
var url= 'mongodb://';
NOTE: Recall that I will be grading many assignments. I don’t want the data in my Mongo Lab (MLab) database as there will be too much of it. So I’m going to put it in my local database. There will be a lot of data in there, and I need to know who created which collections. As a result, this naming scheme is essential.
If you are in both prog219 and prog272, and your last name is ng, then I’m expecting to see something like this in the mongo shell:
> show collections prog219_calvert_renewables prog272_calvert_renewables prog219_ng_renewables prog272_ng_renewables
Can’t Start Mongod
If you can’t get Mongod to start on Cloud 9, try one of these two options:
Option 1: On Cloud 9, delete the ~/data folder. This means you will loose your databases and collections, but that should not be a big issue in this class. Now go through the set up process again:
cd mkdir data echo 'mongod --bind_ip=$IP --dbpath=data --nojournal --rest "$@"' > mongod chmod a+x mongod ./mongod
Alternatively, try this:
mongod --dbpath /data/db --smallfiles"
Thanks to Jonas Olesen and Norman Jenks for these suggestions.
Grunt Check
Stop whatever you are doing and run grunt check immediately. Get everything to pass. It is not a hard task. Just get it done.
Then do it at least one more time just before you turn in the assignment. But don’t leave it to last. At the end, you will feel too much pressure and will forget to do it or feel too discouraged to do it. Do it now! Immediately! You might introduce a few more problems between now and when you turn in the final, but better two or three problems than twenty, thirty or even fifty!
This is a simple way to get points!
I’ve noticed a lot of student’s applications don’t look quite right on a large screen. The problem is that the various “pages” we are loading are not restricted to the middle of the screen, but instead “bleed” off to the right and left. To fix this, put them inside a container. Consider the jade for our standard about.jade page. This is not right because there is no container:
h1 About p version 2.0 p#display p#display2
This is right because the content is inside a container:
.container h1 About p version 2.0 p#display p#display2
Try adding a container to all your pages. Not to the jade for a directive, but the jade used to define the appearance of a page. For instance, renewables-page.jade.
NOTE: On a low resolution screen, or on a mobile device, you can’t tell the difference between the two sets of jade shown above. But on a big screen, when the app is maximized, it becomes obvious. The screens at school are certainly big enough to show this.
If you are having trouble getting your tests to run, don’t forget to review the
You will find the tests for the midterm here:
Jade Routes
A number of students have been confused about how to load jade. In particular, they have had trouble:
- Building the URLs for their routes on the client side.
- Setting up the routes for loading jade on the server side.
To get a better understanding of these issues:
- Read the Loading Jade section in the Elvenware Jade page.
- See the JadeRoutes demo program from JsObjects.
You should have menu that works both on a mobile device and on desktop.
Trouble Shoot Errors
- Run grunt check and your unit tests. Get them to pass. (If you can’t run your tests, move on and come back to them later.)
- Load your program in Chrome with the developer tools open
- Go to the network page and make sure it is free of any errors
- Go to the console page and fix errors you see there
- Also look in the bash shell to see if errors are showing up there.
- Finally, go to the source page and step through any code that is still broken.
Testing useDatabase Settings
It turned out the fix to get the tests working with settings object was both simple and non-intrusive. The fix is now available in JsObjects in the SolarExplorer Templates area.
The beginning lines of test-renewables.js tell the story:
describe('Renewables Suite', function() {
'use strict';
var $httpBackend;
var scope;
var settings = { useDatabase: false };
// Set up the module
beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_, _$controller_) {
scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
var $compile = _$compile_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
_$controller_('RenewablesController', {
$scope: scope,
settings: settings
There is a new variable at the top called settings which mocks out the useDatabase part of the settings object that we care about. This mock settings object is then injected into the RenewablesController near the bottom of the listing, in the object passed to the controller:
_$controller_('RenewablesController', {
$scope: scope,
settings: settings
That turned out to be all that was necessary. Now the getRenewables method has access during our tests to a mock settings object that has useDatabase set to false, which is what we want for these tests.
This change does not break the code that passes a URL directly to getRenewables. In other words, it works whether or not you are using the settings object to configure the users choice of either JSON or MongoDb data. If you are using our old code, before we introduced the database, then these updated tests should still work for you.
NOTE: If you don’t use the settings object, then this solution may not work for you. I believe, however, that using the settings object is a good idea if you want to implement the code that allows the user to switch between a JSON and MongoDb datasource.
Ignore Files Written to Disk
Some of you are writing a file to disk when you insert data into the database. Remember that in MongooseBasics we learned how to teach nodemon to ignore that file so that it did not restart the project while you were in the middle of an operation:
That may not be the name of the file you want to ignore in this case, but be sure you do teach nodemon to ignore any JSON files that you write to disk during program operation. Either that, or start the program with node rather than nodemon when turning in the final.
Inserting Data Twice
This was a bug on my end, yet at least a few students should have been able to fix it.
If you insert multiple times in one session, then totalRenewablesSaved gets increment past 12, and the program never sends a message back to the client that it has completed inserting data. The fix is simple: just set totalRenewablesSaved to zero before each insert:
allMongo.readDataAndInsert = function(response) {
'use strict';
fs.readFile('data/Renewable.json', function(err, renewables) {
if (err) {
throw (err);
renewables = JSON.parse(renewables);
totalRenewablesSaved = 0; <================= FIX IS HERE
allMongo.numberOfRenewables = renewables.length;
for (var i = 0; i < renewables.length; i++) {
insertRenewable(renewables[i], response);
Turn it in
Put your work in a branch called Final in a folder called SolarExplorer. If you do anything else other than this, please spell it out carefully when you turn in the Final. I will take off points and will likely ask you to re-submit if I don’t immediately know where to look for final.
Submit the URL of your program running on Heroku.
NOTE: It might also be helpful to submit the Heroku git URL. You can find it with this command issued in the root of your heroku project: git remote -v.