Prog 272 Midterm 2014
This document describes the Winter 2014 midterm for Prog 272.
Insert the entire contents of Shakespeare.json (Shakespeare’s 154 Sonnets) into a MongoDb collection called Poems.
Your program must be able to do several things:
- Display a list of all poems to the user
- Let the user pick a poem and display it
- Let the user search on keywords associated with the poems and display the results in the form of titles. When a title is selected display the poem.
- Store a new poem in the database. The poem can be stored as JSON on the drive
- Delete a poem from the database.
Extra credit:
- Read in a config listed in JSON
When the program comes up you should just display HTML with a series of buttons on it. Pick one of the buttons to read in a list of poems, select a poem, etc.
The Documents
The documents you store in the database should have at least four fields:
- A title of type string (ie “Sonnet 1”)
- An authoor type string (ie “Shakespeare”)
- A list of keywords of type array (ie [“poem”, “sonnet”, “spring” ]. The keywords for most poems can just be poem and sonnet, but you should prepare a few special keywords that can be searched on such as spring, winter, or time.
- The content of the poem.
The Shakespeare.json file has two fields, so you will have to use search and replace to add the new fields. I suggest doing the work of adding new fields in Notepad++.
You should run grunt jshint across your files and confirm that all the JS files come back clean. Have it set up so that I can just run grunt jshint and get back a result.xml file that is clean.
The program should run as web app and inside a Cordova app.
The data should be stored both in your local linux database and in MongoLab.
It is essential that the copies of your Cordova and Web project should have unique names when loaded in Eclipse. I will not accept a project with a name like HelloWorld. The web project should be called MidtermWeb-LastName, and the mobile app should be called MidtermCordova_LastName, where LastName is your last name.
Turn it In
Put your code for both projects in a folder and commit the code to a folder in your repository called Week07-Midterm. Submit a URL that points at your folder on GitHub.
When you turn it in, it should connect automatically to MongoLab.
In the root of the Week07-Midterm folder include screen shots of the web app working on your linux box. Also include a screenshot of the Cordova program running on your phone or on an Androidx86 or similar virtual device.
I have not yet decided about unit tests. Please check back later.
RegEx: Sonnet\s(\d+)
Unit Tests
You must include:
- Three server side tests (MongoTalk04: jasmine-node)
- Three client tests (JasmineSpy)
On the client side include:
- One method which is an Async function
- Two methods that use Spys
Example Async:
it("Integration test makes a real AJAX request", function(done) {
textLoader.loadFile("Sources.html", function(responseText) {
var bar = $(responseText).filter('#paragraph04').html();
expect(bar).toBe('Fine time.');
Example Spy:
it("Tests that loadFile is called with Sources.html", function() {
// get is stubbed and never really called
spyOn($, "get");
textLoader.loadFile("Sources.html", function(data) {
expect($.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Sources.html", jasmine.any(Function));