
This assignment is designed to help you get started using the AWS service called EC2. It will allow you to start a virtual machine in the cloud.

A diagram.

You might find this diagram helpful when reading this assignment.

Connect to EC2 activity diagram

NOTE: Remember, you only get one chance to download a private key for an EC2 instance. If you miss it the first time, then the only reasonable choice is to start again from scratch.

Most Commonly Used Services Figure: Our most commonly used AWS services.

Step 01

Your first step will be to create a:

Step 02

Once you have an account set up, the next step is to create an EC2 Instance.

  • Launch Instance
  • Step 1, Pick OS: Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-6e1a0117
  • Step 2 Choose Instance: Free t2-micro
  • Step 3, Configure Instance: take the defaults.
  • Step 4, Add Storage: Take defaults or select up to 30 GB of disk space
  • Step 5, Add Tag: Add a single pair: name: prog270-01
  • Step 6, Configure Security Group: If you have one set up, use it. Otherwise create a new one:
    • HTTP
    • HTTPS
    • SSH
    • Custom TCP Rule: 30025

You will be asked to choose an SSH public private key pair. Use an existing one if you have created one before and can locate it. Otherwise create a new one. If you create a new one:

  • Download it and put it in your ~/.ssh folder
  • If necessary, use the mv command rename it to something like Prog270-Ec2-Calvert.pem
    • Feel free to drop the PEM extension when you rename it: Prog270-Ec2-Calvert
  • Zip it up
  • Save it to Google Drive or someplace similar.
  • Don’t lose it!

Your instance will be assigned a non-permanent public IP address for your EC2 instance. These addresses change ever few days. You can see them in your AWS console, under EC2 instances. In the next step we will replace this ever changing public IP address with an Elastic IP address that will not change.

Step 02-a: Elastic IP Address

We will need a permanent IP address. On AWS, these permanent IP addresses are called Elastic IPs. Here are instructions on creating elastic IP address.

Step 03: Access EC2 Overview

Once you have created your instance, and downloaded your keys, you need to learn how to use the keys to access your instance. Here is a sample of how to proceed:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/Prog270-Ec2-Calvert-2016.pem
ssh-add ~/.ssh/Prog270-Ec2-Calvert-2016.pem
ssh ubuntu@

Let’s examine these commands one at a time.

Step 03a: Load your SSH Key

The first step is to ensure you are the only one who can load your key:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/Prog270-Ec2-Calvert-2016.pem

Now load your EC2 PEM (private key) file on your local machine. On Pristine Lubuntu:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/<YOUR EC2 PRIVATE KEY>;

More specifically, it might look like this:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/Prog270-Ec2-Calvert-2016.pem

The second step is detailed in Step 04: Access Your Instance.

Step 04: Access Your Instance

Once you have your key loaded, you can connect to your EC2 instance with SSH. This gives you access to the command line of your instance. The command looks like this:


For instance:

ssh ubuntu@

Unprotected Private Key File

If we get a message like this:

$ ssh-add id_rsa
Permissions 0777 for 'id_rsa' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.

We fix it like this:

$ chmod 400 id_rsa
charlie@rohan-mintc ~/.ssh
$ ssh-add id_rsa
Identity added: id_rsa (id_rsa)

Your key might not be named id_rsa, but the general solution outlined here will still apply regardless of the name of your key.

Permission Denied Pubic Key

If you get this:

$ git pull  
Permission denied (publickey).  
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.  

Please make sure you have the correct access rights  
and the repository exists.

Then you need to load an SSH key:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/<YOUR-KEY>

In examples like this, when you see something in angle brackets or a similar syntax, then the person who wrote the documentation is using the angle brackets as a place holder. They are saying: put your key in the location of the place-holder. Perhaps something like this:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/prog272-ec2.pem

If you run ssh-add, and you still get the error, then you have loaded the wrong key. If you have lost your private key for your EC2 instance, then usually you are out of luck. Your only recourse is to delete the EC2 instance and create a new instance. When creating the new instance, be sure to keep track of the key that you download from AWS. In particular, zip up the private key and put it in the cloud, as described above.

NOTE: Also see the main-key and ssh-add section of the Git New Repo assignment.

NOTE: You can add keys to a server by placing the public part of a public/private SSH key pair in the authorized_keys file for your EC2 server. That process is described elsewhere. The point is that you can add one of your personal SSH keys to the server instead of relying on the key you got from AWS. However, you can’t add the key unless you have used the AWS key at least once to give you access to the authorized_keys file on your EC2 instance.

Step 04.01: Configure Your Instance

You can configure your instance by running a script found in JsObjects called UbuntuSetup. Follow the links below to learn how to proceed.

You should also install a Web Server:

See also:

Step 04.02: SSH Access EC2 Shortcut

This is an aside. You don’t have to do the things this way. I’m including it only as an FYI, as an additional bit of information that you might find useful.

Rather than doing ssh-add and then running ssh as described in Step-4: Access Your Insance, you can use the -i flag to combine the two:


ssh -i prog270-ec2-2017.pem ubuntu@

Code like this will both load your key and begin an SSH session on EC2. Of course, you need to supply your own elastic IP address.

Step 04.03: Security Groups

At some point, you may or may not need to check the currently open ports. After creating and initializing your instance:

  • In the EC2 Instances page select your EC2 instance.
  • Find your Security Group
  • View the inbound rules and make sure 30025 and/or other ports are listed

If you need to open a port:

  • Get the name of your Security Group as described above.
  • Turn to the Security Groups section in the EC2 Dashboard
  • Select your Security Group
  • Turn to the Inbound page at the bottom of the Dashboard
  • Edit and add a Custom TCP rule for the appropriate port.

Our most commonly used Ports are 30025, 30026. I believe you can edit the inbound security rules to reserve a block of ports: 30025 - 30030. This will open 30025 through 30030.

Ec2 Elven Security Group

See also this section on working with CIDR groups and known IP addresses rather than

Step Five

AWS gave us a key pair that we can use to access an instance of our EC2 server. However, we already have an SSH key pair that we use to access our data on GitHub. If we use the GitHub key for accessing our AWS server, then we would only have to load one key. Otherwise we have to load two keys:

  • One for GitHub
  • One for AWS

To sign on to both machines with a single key we have to put the public part of our Prog 270 (GitHub) key on our Ubuntu instance in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. We then load it and clone our GitHub repository.

Start in Pristine Lubuntu and copy our public key to EC2:

ssh-add prog270-2017      <== Load Key on Pristine
ssh-copy-id -i prog270-2017 ubuntu@

The second step shown above copies our private key into the EC2 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Now access our EC2 instance and clone our repository:

ssh ubuntu@ <== Access EC2 Instance
cd ~/.ssh                 <== Enter SSH directory on EC2
ssh-add prog270-2017      <== Load key on EC2
cd ~/Git                  <== Go to Git and clone
git clone git@github.com:user-name/repo-name.git

Note that git@github.com:user-name/repo-name.git is the URL of your GitHub repository.

Let’s walk through this step by step.

Copy Public Key

First load the key you use to access GitHub.

ssh-add prog270-2017    <== Load Key on Pristine

Now copy that key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your EC2 instance. We do this by running ssh-copy-id command from Pristine Lubuntu.

ssh-copy-id -i identity_file ubuntu@

For instance, if you have private key called prog270-2016 then you would issue this command:

ssh-copy-id -i prog270-2016 ubuntu@

The ssh-copy-id command copies the default public key over to the remote machine. The default public key is usually id_rsa.pub. I find it safer to specify which key I want to copy over. To do that, use the -i flag. Generally, that command looks like this, where identity-file is your private key:

Copy Private Key to Ubuntu

From Prisitine Lubuntu, copy your private SSH key that you use to connect to GitHub to your new Ubuntu server:

	scp <YOUR KEY> ubuntu@

For instance:

	scp prog270-2017 ubuntu@

Of course, use your public or elastic IP address.

Zip and Copy to Google Drive

Don’t forget to put your new private key on Google Drive. Go to the ~/.ssh folder and issue a command similar to this one:

zip Prog270-Ec2-Calvert-2016 Prog270-Ec2-Calvert-2016.pem

Now upload the zip file to Google Drive. It doesn’t have to be in our shared folder. Just so you can get it at home.

Choose **New File Upload** on Google Drive.

Alternate Copy Method

Alternatively, if you don’t want to use ssh-copy-id, you can use scp instead. From your instance of Pristine Lubuntu use SSH to secure copy (scp) your public key from pristine Lubuntu to your EC2 instance:

scp <YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY> ubuntu@<YOUR-ELASTIC-IP>:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/.

Then on EC2 append your public key to your authorized keys file:

cat ~/.ssh/<YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY> >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Whether you use ssh-copy-id or scp to put your public key in the EC2 authorized_keys file is mostly a matter of taste. However, the ssh-copy-id program is a bit safer. For instance, it checks to make sure you are not putting duplicate keys in the authorized_keys file.

Password Protect Your Key

It is of course, simplest not to password protect your private key, and in many or perhaps most cases it is unnecessary. However, there are times when it is the right thing to do.

To add, change or remove a passphrase, I often find it simplest to pass in the p and f flags to ssh-keygen, then let the system prompt me to supply the passphrases:

ssh-keygen -p -f <name-of-private-key>

For instance:

ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa

When adding a passphrase to a key that has no passphrase, the run looks something like this:

ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Key has comment 'charlie@elf-path'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

A sample run to remove or change a password looks something like this:

ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Enter old passphrase:
Key has comment 'bcuser@pl1909'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

Notice that we can enter an empty password to remove a passphrase.

NOTE: Apparently a passphrase is a password made up of wholewords. See the classic xkcd comic below for details.



Take a moment to be sure you understand what is happening here. We want to use a single key pair to access both AWS and GitHub. On Pristine Lubuntu we already have the Prog270 key set up to access GitHub. To also use it with our AWS instance we have to copy the Prog 270 public key into the authorized_keys file on our AWS server.

Needless to say, we place public keys in our authorized_keys file when we want to grant the owner of a particular private public key pair the ability to access a resource such as our AWS server. If you own a private key, and its matching public key is in the authorized_keys file for a service we want to access, then we are all set: we can access the service.

  • I have a private key
  • I have loaded the private key with ssh-add or similar tool.
  • My Public key is in the authorized_keys file on a resource such as an Ec2 instance or github

If the above are true, then you should be able to access your resource. For instance, you can access EC2 or GitHub.

Setup Box

Once we have access to our EC2 instance and access to our repository, there are a number of further steps required to get the instance set up correctly. I outline them in the first few sections of this document:

See in particular the first three sections.

Reserved EC2 Instance

You can purchase a reserved instance much more cheaply than if you buy month by month. If you buy an instance for 3 years, then you pay $115 as of Sept 17, 2019. The prices tend to go down year over year. The instances just keep getting cheaper.

  • $115 / 36 = $3.20 a month.

This is a very good deal.

To purchase an instance:

  • Go to the EC2 Dashboard on AWS.
  • Select Reserved Instances from the menu on the left.
  • Click the Purchase Reserved Instances button.
  • Make sure t2.micro is selected and pick search
  • Look for the 36 month all up front option.

Compare with Lightsail, which is $3.50 a month, but you pay month by month.


Lightsail costs []$3.50 a month]lsp and you pay by the month. That is approximately the cost of a good cup of coffee, and less than a fancy cup. Our quarters last three monbths and you can rent a Lightsail instance for 3 months for $10.50. But you get the first month free, so it should be only $7.00 for the quarter.

NOTE: The docs say: “Lightsail plans are charged on an hourly, on-demand basis, so you only pay for a plan when you’re using it.” So perhaps you could pay considerably less than $3.50 a month if you shut the service down. I don’t know the details as I am new to this service.

Select the Create Instance button and choose Linux/Unix, OS Only and Ubuntu 18.04 or newer if it is available. Don’t select Node, as we will install all such tools ourselves.

Your instances may be here

You SSH key is here

Turn it in

Take a screen shot of the command prompt and submit that with your assignment.

A good screen shot would show you first on Pristine Lubuntu, then connecting to EC2, and running this command:

ls ~/Git

It should show that you have a JsObjects directory and also your repository for this class (isit320-lastname-20XX).

Also, in the screen shot, run ssh-add -l to show that you have a private key loaded:

$ ssh-add -l
2048 SHA256:FjF9QZpQRWsRguYULtrsh2haWX/fp+/erX/51tAHjbU /home/ubuntu/.ssh/main-key (RSA)

For help on ssh-add see above and also look here.

Billing After Quarter Ends

After I have given you a final grade, consider what you want to do with AWS and your instance.

  • One approach is to set a calendar reminder to delete your instance after one year (in Sept)
  • Another approach is to buy a relatively inexpensive reserved instance once your year is up.
  • Go to Ec2 Instances and select reserved instance and then select the big purchase instance button
  • A third option is to push all your code from the EC2 instance, save anything else of importance to Google Drive, and then delete your instance. If you have no running instance, no EBS volumes (hard drives), no elastic IPs then you should have no bill even after the year is up. Check billing to be sure you have deleted everything.
  • You could also stop the running instance, but leave the EBS (hard drive). That is much less expensive that running your instance month to month. You would still get a bill after your year is up, but it would not be particularly large.

Never have more elastic IP addresses than you have running instances. You should not get billed for an elastic IP address so long as it is attached to a running instance. If you stop (shut down) or terminate (delete) an instance, be sure to delete the associated IP address or you will get billed.

To put it another way: Billing for Elastic IP addresses runs precisely counter to our intuition:

  • If you use your Elastic IP it is free
  • If you don’t use it, you get billed

Amazon has a limited number of IP addresses. They don’t mind sharing them, but they don’t want to waste them. So long as you use them, all is good, but if you just reserve it and don’t use it, don’t attach it to a running instance, then they are not happy. If they are not happy, they bill you.

Keep System Up to Date

The update commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

You should run sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade every few days. Afterwards, you may need to reboot your EC2 instance.

Sometimes you see messages like “7 packages need to updated, 3 security updates” even after you have run the above commands. So long as it does not cause you to actually upgrade to a new version, you can try to fix those message with this command:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

It’s sometimes a good idea to run sudo apt-get autoremove after this kind of dist-upgrade.

Your EC2 system can be rebooted with this command:

sudo shutdown -r now.

This will cause your connection to EC2 to close or freeze. You will need to wait about 2 to 5 minutes, and then try to reconnect to your EC2 instance.

These references are useful:

SSH on Windows

Until very recently, Windows did not have SSH built into the OS. I hear this is changing. But for now, windows users can still use PuTTY:

Convert the PEM file to a PPK file.

On Windows, you can connect to your EC2 instance with Putty:

Security Group Rules from Known Addresses

We might get this error:

Rules with source of allow all IP addresses to access your instance. We recommend setting security group rules to allow access from known IP addresses only.

I use Xfinity/Comcast and have a dynamic IP address. It is not always the same. So I need to specify a range. So I went to WhatIsMyIp website to get my current IP. Then I went to Comcast and learned the CIDR block associated with my current IP address:

Then I went to AWS and set the source for the SSH address (port 22) in my Security group to the CIDR block from the page linked above. This should mean that only someone with an XFinity account that shares the range of IP addresses that I am assigned could SSH into my EC2 instance, and then only if they had my private key.

I ran some tests, setting some bad CIDR ranges and I could not SSH into my box. Then I set some good ones, and I could SSH in.

While doing all this, I found this site useful:

I have to confess, however, that I simply don’t understand how someone could SSH into a server protected with only an RSA public/private key pair (no password) unless they had a copy of the private key itself. My understanding is that this is impossible or next to impossible. (By which I mean that someone could have created a quantum computer in secret that is more advanced than any computer currently known to exist and decided to use it to hack my EC2 instance. Next to impossible, but not impossible.)

Consider this CIDR range:

It will allow to consider only the first 25 bits of an IP address. That means that the following addresses will be let through: -

Consider this range:

It will allow these addresses through: -

And here, with 24 bits:

Which allows: -


1  sudo apt-get update
2  sudo apt-get upgrade
3  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
4  sudo shutdown -r now
 --- You have to SSH back into the ec2 server ---
5  cd .ssh/
6  ls -la
7  cd
8  mkdir Git
9  cd Git/
10  ls
11  sudo apt-get install git
12  git clone http://github.com/charliecalvert/JsObjects.git
13  cd ~/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/SetupLinuxBox/
14  ./UbuntuSetup
15  source ~/.bashrc
23  sudo apt-get install ssh
24  exit
25  cd .ssh/
26  ls
27  ln -s isit320-lastname-2017 main-key
28  ls
29  cp ~/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/SetupLinuxBox/.bash_aliases ~/.
30  source ~/.bash_aliases
31  sshadd
34  sudo apt-get install tasksel
35  sudo tasksel install lamp-server
