
Refactor Pouch Starter and add support for live syncing.

Update to Latest CouchDb

Details are here.

Get Template Tool

  1. Go to JsObjects: jo
  2. Pull the latest: git pull
  3. Go to SetupLinuxBox: slb
  4. Run CreateSymbolicLinks: ./CreateSymbolicLinks

Now you can get a template by typing get-template and choosing the template you want from the menu.

Run: source ./bashrc

Install Packages

Install react-router-dom:

npm i react-router-dom
yarn add react-router-dom

And a some query tools:

yarn add pouchdb-find
npm i pouchdb-find


We have the following:

  • App
    • ElfHeader and tileData
    • Home page
    • Address and AddressShow
    • AddressEdit and AddressEditFields
    • InitializeDatabase
    • PouchDbManager


Some screenshots.







Sync mode was turned on when I took this screenshot which accounts for much of the data in the Console of the Developer Tools.



  • Display records originally loaded from CongressAddress server.
  • CRUD (We create only during initialization.)
  • Work offline
  • Sync to CouchDB
  • Sync between browser instances

Set up Proxy

We need to be able to query our server during the init phase so that we can get our initialize list of Congress people.

In package.json:

"proxy": "http://localhost:30026",

Create App

Copy recursively (cp -r) the contents of Week09-SmallAddressMaster into Week10-SmallAddressMaster.

Our first chore is to begin refactoring. This is standard procedure. Many of us begin by getting code to work, then we start refactoring, looking for a maintainable design that follows basic design principles.

Start your application so you can follow your progress as you walk through the steps.

Create a src/components folder.

  • Copy the ElfHeader and tileData from your latest Address Maven into the components directory.
  • Move App.js into the components directory.
  • Copy App.js to Address.js.

Also copy in address-list.json from your best Address Maven into your src directory. This is the short list of addresses used to initialize state in our constructors. It might look something like this:

cp ../../AddressProxy/src/address-list.js .

In Address.js, rename App to Address.

Resolve any errors you are getting and ensure that your program continues to run.

Basic HTML

We aren’t going to use this bit of HTML, so remove it from public/index.html if it exists:

<div id="sync-wrapper">
    <div id="sync-success">Currently syncing</div>
    <div id="sync-error">There was a problem syncing</div>

Create Home

Just a default component that you can modify as you wish for the final:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const styles = {};

class Home extends Component {
    render() {
        return (

//export default Home;
export default withStyles(styles)(Home);

Clean up App.js

Replace styles with a simple styles declaration with a container:

const styles = theme => ({
    container: {
      flexGrow: 1

Make sure your JSX uses it:

render() {
        const {classes} = this.props;
        return (
            <div className={classes.container}>
               // CODE OMITTED HERE

Delete the contents of componentDidMount:

componentDidMount() {

Delete the constructor and all other methods except render. In render, delete all the JSX and replace it with code to load the Address component.

Contents of the components folder at this stage:

  • App.js
  • Address.js
  • ElfHeader.js
  • tileData.js

At this stage, my App.js is about 35 lines long.

Create the Menu

Add ElfHeader to the App.js JSX just above where you declare Address.

Modify tileData so that it contains three ListItems:

  • Home: ‘/’
  • Address: ‘/address’
  • InitializeDatabase: ‘./init-db’

Above, separated by a colon, I show:

  • The primary attribute of the ListItemText
  • The to attribute of the ListItem.

Clean up Address.js

Remove the header code from the JSX.

Remove the FormControls and the div that wraps them. Remove the addAddressReal method and the Button associated with it.

Remove the Add Address (FooBar) button but keep the method it calls.

Make a copy of Address.js called AddressShow.js

From Address.js delete these methods if they exist:

  • addAddress
  • update
  • handleFirst
  • handleLast
  • sync
  • syncError
  • showIndex

From AddressShow.js:

  • Keep the constructor and render.
  • Delete all the other methods.


Create a directory called src/tools.

From the command prompt, navigate to the tools directory. We now need to copy the PouchDbManager.js from JsObjects to our project.

  • Issue this command: get-template
  • Select A to copy PouchDbManager into the current directory.
  • Exit get-template and return to the IDE.

Get InitializeDatabase

Navigate to the components directory in the Bash shell.

Run get-template

Choose option b, to get InitializeDatabase.js.

Refactor Address.js

Here is our new constructor:

constructor(props) {
    this.canceled = false;
    this.state = {
        editOpen: false,
        namesIndex: 0,
        names: [{
              _id: 'unknown',
              firstName: 'unknown',
              lastName: 'unknown'

Delete all the JSX and replace it with code that loads AddressShow and passes in a name object as a parameter. Pass in four methods, only one of which exists at this time:

render() {
    const {classes} = this.props;
    return (

Block out the missing methods:

setAddress = () => {};
save = () => {};
delete = () => {};

Refactor AddressShow

Add the following styles at the top of the file above the component declaration and replacing any existing styles:

const styles = theme => ({
    button: {
        margin: theme.spacing.unit
    container: {
        flexGrow: 1,
        textAlign: 'center'
    rootBar: theme.mixins.gutters({
        paddingTop: 16,
        paddingBottom: 16,
        paddingLeft: 8,
        paddingRight: 8,
        marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
        marginLeft: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
        marginRight: theme.spacing.unit * 3

Replace state in the constructor:

this.state = {
    editOpen: false,
    edits: {
        _id: 'unknown',
        firstName: 'unknown',
        lastName: 'unknown'

Replace the existing render method with this one:

render() {
  const {classes} = this.props;

  return (
    <div className={classes.container}>
      <Paper className={classes.rootBar}>

          onClick={event => this.props.setAddress(-1, event)}
          onClick={event => this.props.setAddress(1, event)}
            onClick={() => this.setState({editOpen: true})}
            onClick={event =>
              this.props.delete(this.props.name, event)

We are using the MaterialUi Paper component. Here are the docs:

Remember to hit the <> symbol to see the code on the demo page.

Here is the import statement:

import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';

Enable the Menu

At the top of App.js:

import { BrowserRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import dataManager from '../tools/PouchDbManager';

Replace the JSX with this:

    <div className="App">
        <ElfHeader />
        <Route id="home" exact path="/" component={Home} />
            render={props => (
                <Address {...props} dataManager={dataManager} />
            render={props => (

Add in the three missing import statements.

While we are at it, add in code for the constructor in App.js that will initialize PouchDB:

constructor(props) {
    this.db = dataManager.init();

Set Up the Database

In this application, we are not trying to create an enduser app, but to learn how to initialize Pouch Db. In the running app. In the app, try the following:

  • Go to InitializeDatabase
  • Run Get Address List
  • Run ConvertAddress
  • Run CreateIndex
  • Run Sync to enter sync mode.

All should run without error. Lots of output in the console though.

Show Address methods

setEdits = (name, event) => {
    var data = this.props.name;
    data[name] = event.target.value;
    this.setState({edits: data});

addressEdit = address => {

    if (!address) {
        return this.setState({editOpen: false});

        edits: address,
        editOpen: false

save = () => {

Methods for Address

Don’t have the Address component loaded in the running program while you do this:

componentDidMount() {

componentWillUnmount() {
    this.canceled = true;

watcher = event => {
    console.log('Watch Change', event);

showAddress = () => {
    const that = this;
    return that.props.dataManager.db
            selector: { lastName: { $gt: null } },
            sort: ['lastName']
        .then(response => {
            console.log('RECORD COUNT:', response.docs.length);
            const names = response.docs.map(address => {
                return {
                    _id: address._id,
                    _rev: address._rev,
                    firstName: address.firstName,
                    lastName: address.lastName
            if (!this.canceled) {
                that.setState({ names: names });

setAddress = (offset) => {
    const value = this.state.namesIndex + offset;
    if (value >= 0 && value <= this.state.names.length - 1) {
        this.setState({ namesIndex: value, open: this.state.editOpen });

save = (name) => {
        .then(function(response) {
        .catch(function(err) {

delete = (name) => {
        .then(function(result) {
            console.log('BAR', result);
        .catch(function(err) {

Turn it in

Push Your work. Tag it. Submit the assignment.

We will add the edit functionality on Thursday.

Data Cycle

Read about the PouchDb, IndexedDB and CouchDB Data Cycle.

Where does the DOC come From

In this code from PouchDbManager.js, where does the “doc” parameter come from?

delete = id => {
     const that = this;
     return that.db.get(id).then(function(doc) {
         return that.db.remove(doc);

The doc is sent back from the database. We want to delete a particular document ( in traditional relational databases it would be called a record). We look it up by ID. The database sends the document (record) back to us, and then we use it in the call that actually removes the document. More details are here and at the top of this same page:

In other words, you might want to read the section on dancing from the document pointed to above. It will help you better understand the code for deleting a document.

Nothing is Lost

CouchDB (and therefore also PouchDB) never really deletes or updates a document. Instead, it marks a document as deleted creates a version of the document. That is what the _rev field is about. It marks the version of the document.

Suppose we update Robert Aderholt to Rob Aderholt. The old record is still visible in IndexedDB, as is the new one.

Updated document visible and old document

Read the links in the previous section for more information on this process.