Where we are headed
Throughout this assignment, we are going to being building several docker files. When we are done, I’m picturing a directory structure something like this:
- DockerCode
- UbuntuBase
- Dockerfile
- Apache
- Dockerfile
- MakeHtml
- Dockerfile
- UbuntuBase
There is a root directory called DockerCode. Beneath it a three sub-directories, each containing a Dockerfile.
Here are the commands to create one of the directories shown above. Issue the command from the root of your repository:
mkdir -p ~/DockerCode/MakeHtml
cd ~/DockerCode/MakeHtml
The -p flag allows you to create two directories at once.
Set up Ubuntu:
In this section of the text we learn how to create an Docker image and Docker container based on the official Ubuntu Server image from the Docker Hub. We make sure it is up to date and contains certain key pieces such as git and nano.
Place this text in ~/Docker/UbuntuBase/Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update --yes
RUN apt-get upgrade --yes
RUN apt-get install git -y
RUN apt-get install build-essential -y
RUN apt-get install nano -y
To create the image run a command of this type:
docker image build -t <DOCKER-HUB-NAME>/ubuntu-base .
When running the above command, note the period at the end.
Run it like this:
docker container run -it <DOCKER-HUB-NAME>/ubuntu-base
For instance:
docker image build -t charliecalvert/ubuntu-base .
docker container run -it charliecalvert/ubuntu-base
The build command creates a Docker image based on your Dockerfile. The run command creates a container based on the image and runs it. To delete an image, see the text further down in this file.
Disable Apache on Ubuntu Server
Our next goal is to run the [Apache web server][apache] in a Docker container. As a result, we usually do not want to be running Apache on our Server. In our case, we frequently already have Apache installed and running on our server. We want, at minimum to stop it, which means it won’t run until either:
- We restart it
- Or the Server is rebooted
Run these commands in the bash shell to be sure your Ubuntu Server is not actively running the Apache web server:
sudo service apache2 status
sudo service apache2 stop
If you don’t want to have Apache start automatically when your server boots up, then disable it:
sudo service apache2 stop
sudo systemctl disable apache2
Run Apache
Create a directory called ~/Docker/Apache. Inside it, create a directory called public-html/ and one called public-html/css:
mkdir -p public-html/css
Run get-gist inside public-html and get the Elf Basic HTML file. Rename it to index.html. Also get normalize.css and put it in the CSS directory:
Create a link to the file from index.html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css">
Create your Dockerfile in the DockerCode/Apache directory and copy your HTML file into it:
FROM httpd:latest
COPY ./public-html/ /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
Create a simple bash script called DockerCode/Apache/build to create and start your image:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
docker image build -t calvert-apache .
docker container run -dit --name apache-app -p 8080:80 calvert-apache
Of course, you should use your lastname and not mine.
Don’t forget to make your script executable:
chmod +x build
Now run it:
Go to http://localhost:8080 to see your site in action.
NOTE: In RunApacheOldStyle.html you will find a more complex way to do the same thing.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
docker image build -t calvert-apache .
docker container run -dit --name apache-app -p 8080:80 calvert-apache