
  • We often need to create text that will be reused in multiple locations.
  • When we make a change to that file in one place, we want the changes to appear everywhere.
  • We want to be able to combine this text with other text in a simple way, and to do so often as we want.
  • We want to use markdown to compose text, but have the full power of HTML when we render that text.

The ElfSite example express example.

Integration with Bootstrap.

Here is a simple example of using both the extends and include syntax:

    extends ../index.jade
    block append content
            h1= title
            p Welcomes to #{title}
            include:md JadeMarkdownExpress.md
            include:md JadeMarkdownExpress-Project.md

Notice also the mixin: +logo.

And the use of block append.


Jade and Mixins: http://bit.ly/jade-mixins

Install Jade globally:

  • npm install -g jade

Here is most or perhaps all of a Render.js script to process a jade file and copy it to your github.io folder:

    var jade = require('jade');
    var fs = require('fs');

    options = {
        "filename": "Render.js",
        "title": "My Title",
        "basedir": "/home/charlie"

    var files = [
            "in": "views/css/ElvenSass.jade",
            "out": "/development/web/CssGuide/ElvenSass.html"
        }, {
            "in": "views/web/index.jade",
            "out": "/development/web/index.html"

    function writeFile(fileToProcess) {
        var html = jade.renderFile(fileToProcess.in, options);
        fs.writeFile(process.env.GIT_HUB_IO + fileToProcess.out, html, function (err) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                console.log('wrote file');

    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {

Set up the GIT_HUB_IO environment variable in .bash_aliases so that it always present:

export GIT_HUB_IO=$GIT_HOME/charliecalvert.github.io
alias gitio="cd $GIT_HUB_IO"

The second one is just for convienance, so you can navigate to your folder quickly.

I am pushing to github.io frequently, so I have this go script in the root of that folder:

    #! /bin/bash

    git add .
    git commit -m "These are auto changes. Use dollar sign 1 to pass parameter."
    git push

I think this would allow you customize the commit message:

git commit -m 'My Changes: "$1".'

Here is a fancier version called PushMe.sh that includes a date:


    NOW=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y")
    PARAM="$1 $NOW"

    git add .
    git commit -m "$PARAM"
    git push

And here is one that could tie them both together so you can do everything with one command:

    #! /bin/bash

    node Render.js 'ElvenSass.html'
    cd $GIT_HUB_IO
    ./PushMe.sh "$1"

Setup Your Environment

Use aliases and scripts to automate the process.

Setup involves:

  • github.io
  • .bash_alias aliases
  • npm install marked –save
  • npm install -g jade

The Render.js script. The Render script.


Use retext to edit markdown. This can be installed from the Software Center on Lubuntu.

Jade Markdown Express Project

Create a project that uses:

  • Yeoman
  • Express
  • Jade
  • Mocha
  • marked (for markdown)

Like this:

npm install -g jade
mkdir Week09-JadeMarkdownExpress
cd Week09-JadeMarkdownExpress
yo express
yo mocha
npm install marked --save

Create or edit four Jade pages:

  • index.jade
  • CensusApi.jade
    • CensusApi.md
  • MixinMadness.jade
    • MixinMadness.md
  • mixins.jade

Use mixins.jade to create, at minimum, Bootstrap menus for index.jade. Extend CensusApi.jade and MixinMadness.jade with the menus from index.jade.

Include the appropriate markdown in each page. For instance, put CensusApi.md in CensusApi.jade.

Include some links and some text about Mixins and the CensusApi on the appropriate pages.

Type grunt, run the project, and show the pages you created. Take a screenshot.

Create script that converts the Jade and Markdown to HTML, then places the resulting file in your lastname.github.io repository. Push the pages.

Set up the routes

Suppose you asked for these routes:

It gets boring to keep writing the same code over and over in your routes/index.js file:

    router.get('/DemoPages/CensusApi.html', function(req, res) {
        res.render('DemoPages/CensusApi', { title: 'Cordova PhoneGap' });

    router.get('/DemoPages/MixinMadness.html', function(req, res) {
        res.render('DemoPages/MixinMadess', { title: 'Prog272' });

    etc, into eternity

So do this instead:

    function getExtension(fileName) {
        fileName = fileName.trim();
        var array = fileName.split(".");
        if( array.length === 1 || ( array[0] === "" && array.length === 2 ) ) {
            return "";
        return array.pop().toLowerCase();

    function swapExtension(fileName, ext) {
        return fileName.substr(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')) + ext;

    router.get('/DemoPages/:pageRequested', function(request, response) {

        var fileRequested = request.params.pageRequested;
        if (getExtension(fileRequested) === 'html') {
            response.render('DemoPages/' + swapExtension(fileRequested, '.jade'), {title: 'Linux FAQ'});
        } else {
                route: '/DemoPages:pageRequested',
                result: 'success',
                request: request.query,
                params: request.params,
                id: request.params.pageRequested,
                fileRequested: fileRequested
       // res.render('Os/Linux/LinuxFAQ', { title: 'Linux FAQ' });

Now any files you pass in that has an HTML extension and has a corresponding Jade file will get served up automatically. For instance, this request should cause CensusApi.jade to be automatically rendered:

If you pass in requested page that does not have an HTML extension, then a relatively detailed response is sent back explaining what was passed to the route. For instance, this request would elicit the detailed response because it ends with HTM rather than HTML:

The response might look something like this:


You will probably want to play with this function to get it to do exactly what you want. Also, you can read up on express request parameters here:

The Census Page

Here are some optional guidelines for creating the census page.

Here is one of the pages from my application:


And then maybe show some code samples describing how the page is rendered.

The Mixin Page

Here are some optional guidelines for creating the mixin page.

Here is one of my mixin pages:


Then include some code showing how you created the page:

Turn it in


  • Your Week09-* folder
  • Attach your screenshots to the assignment when you turn it in
  • Provide the URL to your pages on lastname.github.io.