Everyone must understand routes to do well in this class.
Here is an assignment to show me that you are up to speed:
- At the root of your repository, run:
- CreateExpressProject fetch1-routes
- cd fetch-routes
- In routes/index.js implement three routes:
- One that returns { “result” : “route01”}
- One that returns { “result” : “route02”}
- One that returns { “result” : “route03”}
- In index.pug define three buttons that have the labels:
- Route01, Route02, Route03
- In control.js write code so that the button called
- Route01 uses fetch to call /route01
- Route02 uses fetch to call /route02
- Route03 uses fetch to call /route03
- Each button should display the result in a PRE tag.
By this time, fetch should just be built into the JavaScript implementation for all major browsers, so you probably don’t need to run: npm install whatwg-fetch.
Turn it in
Push your work and specify:
- repository
- branch
- directory
You don’t have to use Redux or React or anything specific, just make it work!