
The goal of this assignment will be to integrate express into our Firebase app so that we can more easily port our GitHub calls into a Firebase application.

Get Started

We can directly import the rich Node JS express architecture directly into a Firebase hosting application.

Start by installing express:

npm i express

Next you will need to open functions/index.js and require Express and create an express object:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

Add EndPoints

The next step would be to add in a couple simple endpoints and export the app object:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    console.log("HOME CALLED");
    res.send({data: "Default home page route called"});

app.get('/bar', function (req, res) {
    console.log("bar CALLED");
    res.send({data: "bar route called"});

exports.app = functions.https.onRequest(app);


Finally, we need to open up the firebase.json found in the root of our project and add a rewrites sub-property to the hosting property:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "ignore": [
    "rewrites": [{
      "source": "**",
      "function": "app"

The relevant section here is the last one. I include the other parts simply to provide context. The code in the rewrites section states that any route that reaches our server should be routed to the app function that we exported in the last line of our functions/index.js file. In other words, if the user uses HTTP to send a URL to the server, then ask our Express code defined in functions/index.js to resolve it. Note that we use two asterisks (**) to specify that we want to send all routes to the endpoints we defined in our Express app object.

NOTE: You have probably already noticed that we are not using CORS. With the code we are creating now, it is not, thankfully, necessary. The simplest way to understand CORS is to think of it as a giant security risk with useful side effects. The only time it is worth the risk is when we are creating an API for consumption by third parties. Whenever we can avoid it, we should avoid it.

Run it

To test your code execute the standard code to serve or deploy your Firebase app:

firebase serve

Go to the URL provided when you serve your app and try both the home (default) and /bar endpoints.

The User

There are at least three parts to our app:

  • Qux
  • git-user
  • git-gist

I’ll get you started creating the code for git-user and then leave it up to your finish the process.

In this first example, let’s put the code for user /you-rang in functions/index.js. We will, however, put it in its own Express router so that we can, on the client, write /user/you-rang rather than the potentially confusing /user-you-rang.

First create a router at the top of /function/index.js:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const userRouter = express.Router();

Please this code after the /bar route but before the export statement:

userRouter.get('/you-rang', (request, response) => {
    response.send({ result: 'You rang?', server: 'git-user' });

app.use('/users', userRouter);

This code teaches our application to send code that begins with /users to the userRouter endpoints such as you-rang.

The Client

Back in Firebase version GitExplorer, modify code in GetUser so that button calls our slightly modified route:

    Ring Git User

You will, of course, have to run build-copy in the root of the GitExplorer/client project.

Run firebase serve or firebase deploy and test your code.

NOTE: Looking at the new URL for you-rang it seems to me that we can convert our original non-Firebase version of GitExplorer to use these same URLs. Then we will need only one version of the front end. This seems like an exercise we should complete before or during the final.

User File

Though we may eventually move at least one of our micros into its own firebase app, for now, we can just separate files for each micro and integrate them into our current Firebase application. In particular, let’s move the userRouter into its own file.

NOTE: I’m tempted to leave the instructions and let you handle this part of the project. However, I don’t want anyone to get stuck on this step, so I will provide a few deliberately vague hints.

Study GitExplorer/server/routes/test-server.js and use it as the template for this step.

  • Create a file called functions/git-user.js
  • Move the user you-rang route into it.
  • Import git-user.js into functions/index.js

For instance, I’m expecting this code in functions/index.js:

const userRouter = require('./git-user');
// Probably some code omitted here
app.use('/users', userRouter);

If you complete these steps correctly, you should be able to serve or deploy your code and find that it runs smoothly.

Turn it in

Move the rest of GitExplorer over to work on Firebase.

Tag and push your work, providing folder, tag and branch. I’m expecting the folder to be either:

  • week09-FirebaseStarter
  • FirebaseGitExplorer

Also provide the URL for your running service on Firebase hosting.


If you want to use node 8 or 10 you should first remove the existing node:

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove nodejs

Then go to ~/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/NodeInstall and edit NodeInstall.sh to install version 10 or 8 rather than twelve. I could explain, but it is so obvious what needs to be done that it is just not worth it. It’s just a question of which line is commented out. Then run the script ./InstallNode.sh.