Adding Machine

This page is part of the Elvenware site.

The page demonstrates how to use a form to submit data to a Python script. There are also calls to JavaScript routines that perform simple addition. Follow the instructions outlined below, and then read the text found beneath example.

Instructions: Below you will find a form outlined in blue dashes. Enter two numbers in the fields labeled Number One and Number Two. Press the Add button to add the numbers. If you are satisfied with your result, press the Submit button.

Operand A:

Operand B:


Here is what is going on behind the scenes. When you press the Submitbutton two things happen:

  • The submit button forces the form to submit its data to a python script called This happens because the form has its action attribute set to /cgi-bin/
    • <form action=”/cgi-bin/” method=”post”>
  • Three pieces of data are also submitted.
    • The text from the input field labeled Operand A and named operanda
    • The text from the input field labeled Operand B and named operandb
    • The text from the input field named answer.
  • A fourth input control, a button labeled Add Numbers, is used to call the JavaScript routine that adds the numbers together.
  • Finally, the fifth input control, of type submit, executes the form and submits the contents of the form to

Here is the complete code for the form:

<form action="/cgi-bin/" method="post">
    <div><label>Operand A:</label></div>
    <input type="text" 
        id="operanda" />
    <div><label>Operand B:</label></div>
    <input type="text" 
        id="operandb" />
        <input type="text" name="answer" id="answer"/>
        <input type="button" 
            value="Add Numbers" />
        <input type="submit" />

Below is the JavaScript routine that adds two numbers together. Note that it makes heavy use of jQuery to locate the fields were the operands are located, and where the result is displayed.

this.addNumbers = function()
  var operanda = $("#operanda").val();
  var operandb = $("#operandb").val();
  var sum = parseInt(operanda) + parseInt(operandb);

Press the Get all additions button to see a list of all the additions people have performed. Pressing this button calls another Python script

The code for the Get all additions button looks like this:

<form action="/cgi-bin/" method="post">
  <input type="submit" value="Get all additions">

Call the add line code directly:

If you want to execute code when a form is submitted, but don’t want to return HTML that would replace the current page, then write this:

<form action="javascript:void validate( )">

By using void, we assure that a method gets called, but does not return anything. If we return HTML, then the that HTML would replace the current page, which is not always what we want.