Learn about Constants

See how to use Object.defineProperty to create a constant in ES5 code. This was technique still works, but it was designed before the ES6 keyword const was introduced into the language. It is harder to use than ES6 const, but it does more exactly what a traveler from another language would expect a const variable to do.

The Code

We declare constants in an object that follows the module pattern like this:

var App = (function() {

	function Constants() {
		Object.defineProperty(this, "MAIN_BIG", withValue('mainBig'));
		Object.defineProperty(this, "MAIN_SMALL", withValue('mainSmall'));
		Object.defineProperty(this, "MAIN_DIV", withValue('#main'));

	var withValue = function(value) {
		var d = withValue.d || (withValue.d = {
			enumerable : false,
			writable : false,
			configurable : false,
			value : null

		d.value = value;
		return d;

	return Constants;

Display Constants

Display the constants like this

var app = new App();

Create some paragraphs or a list with the appropriate IDs.

  <li><b>MAIN BIG</b>: <span id="test01"></span> </li>
  <li><b>MAIN SMALL</b>:  <span id="test02"></span></li>
  <li><b>MAIN DIV</b>:  <span id="test03"></span></li>

The results of the code shown above:


Try to Change Constant

Now let’s try to change a constant by setting it equal to a new value:

app.MAIN_DIV = "Some new value";

Check the value of the MAIN_DIV after setting it to a new value. It is unchanged: