
There are two steps:

  • Convert all the controls in the WebCrafts application to ES6.
  • Write tests for all your ES6 components

Do your work in a branch called Midterm

Good Enough

Extra Credit

In a branch called ExtraCredit. Move all your ES6 code, that is, the entire client side of the application, to run on a create-react-app framework stored in a directory called WebCrafts.

The server should be moved into a separate program called WebCraftsServer running on port 30026. This is the same architecture we have used for other programs.

When you turn in your code, I’ll be expecting to find to projects in the ExtraCredit branch of your isit-webcrafts-lastname repository. One would be called WebCrafts and the other WebCraftsServer. The WebCrafts app should have a proxy property in its package.json file that points at the server running 30026.

Your master branch should be identical to the Midterm branch and should still contain the Express based ES5 framework for your code. It should not have two projects, but only one. All the interface components should be in React, but the architecture should still be for a Express application, not a create-react-app application.

Format ES6 Code

The code for the midterm must be propertly formatted. A tool called prettier can help us format our ES6 code:

npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier

Here is a config file that you should save in the root of your repository as “.prettierrc”:

	"tab-width": 4,
	"single-quote": false

And here is a script to run it:


find source -iname "*.js" -exec "./prettier" --write {} \;

This script finds all the JavaScript files in your source directory. After finding the files, it runs prettier on them. The end result is that the code in your files should be properly formated.

Format ES5 Code

The code in your MidTerm must be properly formatted. I’m expecting that all your ES6 code will be in a directory called source or one of its subdirectories. The source directory should be in the root of your repository.

The js-beautify utility to help you format your ES5 code. It will not properly format ES6 code with JSX in it at the time of this writing.

Here is how to install it:

npm -g install js-beautify

Here is a script to run it:


find . -type f -name "*.js" \
 -not -path "**/bower_components/**" \
 -not -path "**/node_modules/**" \
 -not -path "**/source/**" \
 -exec js-beautify -r {} \;

This script finds all the JavaScript files in your project except those in the bower_components, node_modules and source directories. After finding the files, it runs js-beautify on them.

ES Lint

Make sure you code passes the ESLint configuration file found here:

We may have to iterate on this file a few times to be sure we have something that works for us, so check the file (refresh it) to look for updates.

Testing Guidance

For years I have written too many tests. Recently I have been trying something more like this:

  • One test to prove I can cleanly load the component or object in a module. This is about loose coupling and ensuring that each module contains only one object.

  • One test to prove the component or object does what it says it does. This is primarily about the Single Responsibility Principle. If I need six tests to prove an object works, then the object might be doing too much and might need to be refactored.

Other tests can be added if bugs appear, but just two tests per object can help us keep things light. Of course, if I have a module full of utility functions, then that is a different matter. But I think that limiting the amount of code in my tests and the overall number of tests is valuable.

Tests should, in most cases, be short. They should execute very quickly, and be very easy to understand. Otherwise they might be more trouble than they are worth.


Be sure your Midterm project:

  • Automactically compiles your ES6 code with WebBack watch.
  • Creates maps to your ES6 objects visible in the Chrome Developer Tools Debugger
  • Contains at least two tests for all your React components.
  • Uses your isit-code and isit-site-tools packages.
  • Uses Tiny Pub Sub

Turn it in

Merge Midterm into master. Push your code. Specify:

  • Repository
  • Branch
  • Any folders your think I should know about

You must provide the three bullet points listed above. You will get a 5 if you simply pass in a link to your repository.

I may be willing, at least at times, to allow you to resubmit the midterm (the 5 option). However, this will cost more than it does on a homework assignment. In general, you will loose a half grade (5 points) each time you turn it in.


I’m aware that some students will find it difficult to complete the entire midterm. It is much, much better to turn in something, rather than nothing. Those how are really strong students will have to meet a higher bar than less experienced students.

If you can get, for instance, the entire MakeHtml page to work with React, but not the MakeImages page, then that is much better than getting nothing done.

Focus on accomplishing what you can accomplish, and leave the grading to me. Don’t think about your grade, think about writing a program that works.