ISIT 322 Midterm 2017
This will be a a take home exam. You will have about a week to do it.
We will continue to build on our project that allows the user to call server side code to query the GitHub API, maps it to a format we like, and displays it to the user. We are getting closer to the point where we can use the API to explore our own and other’s repositories with our custom web application.
The basic plan is this:
- Same app, same name, new branch and then tag.
- Both branch and tag your midterm. In both cases, label it midterm
- Your app should have a styled menu and support component switching with React Router DOM.
- The following menu-items should be present:
- Home (This is the GitUser view)
- GetFoo
- SmallNumbers
- Extend your app by calling at least two other GitHub Js APIs that we have not called so far in this class.
- Find two methods on the Git Js API other than the ones we have used and call them.
- Include the results of these requests in the menu
- Switches between all three React compoinent Git views (The one we have plus two more)
- Extra credit:
- Integrate git-convert into the code so it converts JSON to field-definitions automatically
- Testing:
- You should have at least fifty meaningful tests.
- JSCS available and most major files in the project pass JSCS tests.
- Your code should run without warnings and errors.
- Polish.
The GitHub Js API
Here are the GitHub API’s calls available for version 3.1.0. There might be a newer version by the time you read this. In most cases, you should use the new version if it is available.
- GitHub Js Docs
- Example APIs to call
- getIssues
- getMarkdown
- getRateLimit
- listReleases
I want you to be able to check the formating of your code with JSCS when I open it in WebStorm. If you have not done so already, install JSCS globally:
If you have not done so already, install JSCS globally:
npm install -g jscs
Make sure JSCS is turned on in WebStorm. Go to **Settings | Languages and Frameworks | JavaScript | Code Quality Tools | JSCS** and make sure it is enabled. |
Put this .jscsrc file in the root of your projects. Probably one for client and one for server:
"preset": "google",
"validateIndentation": 4,
"excludeFiles": [
"requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers": false,
"maximumLineLength": 120
Go to **Setting | Editor | Code Style | JavaScript. On the Settings tab, in the first section, called **Before Parentheses, set In Function Expression to false (unchecked). This means there should be no space after the word function.. Our code should look like this: function() {}. Not like this function () {}. Note the space after the word function in the second example. |
JSCS should pass for your files. You can probably make this happen by choosing **Code | Reformat** in WebStorm, or by running the NPM package called js-beautify, which should be installed on your system in the global ~/npm/bin directory. If it is not installed, install it. But I do most of my formatting with WebStorm not js-beautify. |
Remember that you have a Gruntfile.js in GitExplorer/server directory. This means you can run grunt jscs over the GitExplorer/server directory without difficulty. I found it only moderately painful to copy it over to GitExplorer/client and run it over the client code as well. There were, however, some Punctuator errors that I could not eliminate. I do not, however, get the same errors in WebStorm, perhaps because it is using a more recent copy of JSCS. To be sure you have the latest:
npm install -g jscs
JSCS Punctuator in ES6
I can’t get JSCS to accept our arrow functions which we use for binding this. In ElfLogger, for instance, I write this:
setQuiet = (newValue) => {
this.display = newValue;
This is well formed, if experimental, ES6 syntax. If I remove the semi-colon, then I get a missing semicolon complaint from JSCS. If I add the semicolon, then I get this error, which I usually see at the very top of my file:
JSCS: expected end of node list but punctuator found
NOTE: When I got this error, the editor did not usually point right at the source of the problem. Instead, for me, it was often pointing at the first import statement at the top of the file. Eventually, I realized the problem was not the import statement, but the arrow functions. I found this to be quite confusing, and it took me several tries before I sorted it out. Once I removed the arrow function, however, the other JSCS errors were easier to find, and WebStorm pointed me at the place in the file where the error occurred.
The solution is to go back to the old syntax for binding this. In the constructor, I write the following:
this.setQuiet = this.setQuiet.bind(this);
Now I can switch to the traditional method declaration syntax, and yet still have this properly bound. That is, this will be valid in the setQuiet method. The problem is not unique to this object, and you may need to make similar changes in multiple place to fix the problem.
For an example, look here:
Really sorry about the arrow functions. It’s easy to fix our code, easy to switch to the explicit bind syntax, but I’m sad to see the arrow functions go. I liked them, and this seems like a trivial reason to give them up. But I mentioned earlier that there is a real debate about whether to include them or not in the final ES6. The silver lining is that it is good to learn more about bind.
Extra Credit Option One
This appears to be more than one way to achieve the goal I was looking for in the extra section. I’ll give you both options and let you choose one or the other or both or what have you.
One option would involve letting git-convert curl the data, then generate the field definitions, then copy them into the client directory. That’s a simple yet still very useful solution.
If you go this route, consider writing a Bash script:
- First line gets the data with curl
- In the second line run your JavaScript code and then pipe it into the appropriate file in the client directory using relative paths.
You could possibly integrate your bash script into your package.json file as a task that was run before each start of your application. This post seems to go into some depth on pre and post scripts in package.json:
He points to more documentation here:
Extra Credit Option Two
An alternative solution for the Extra credit might look like this. Right now we import the field definitions:
import fieldDefinitions from '../field-definitions';
I was thinking that instead of importing them, we generate them on the fly. We would use modified version of git-convert to generate the definitions. But in this case git-convert would be integrated into our code. We would simply run git-convert against the code we get back from GitHub when we call fetch. I like this solution because it is cool, but is probably not as efficient as the above version, since the code generation would be done at run time.
This solution would perhaps make it impossible to have a default set of data: we wouldn’t know the structure of the fields until we queried the server for the JSON. On the other hand, the default data we display was perhaps more of a learning exercise than anything we want in a shipping product.
It’s extra credit, so I leave it up to you how you solve these problems. Consider using a branch when making the changes, so that you can always go back easily to the code you had before you tried any major surgery.
Turn it in
Add, commit, push, tag and branch. T
Git add, commit and push. Create a branch called midterm and then add a tag that you push to the origin. The branch and tag should both have the word midterm in their very short tag/commit message. If there is any doubt as to which folder and branch your midterm is in, be sure to spell it out. For instance, I would like to see something like this, even if you are using the defaults:
- Branch: midterm
- Tag: v6.00 with a message for midterm
- Folder: GitExplorer
You can update the midterm branch at any time until the actual due date for the assignment. Even then, I would probably prefer a late update to a broken program.
Shallow Button Clicks
By definition, enzyme shallow works with only one component at a time. When we use shallow, it is therefore not possible to check if a button click is working correctly since that involves the interaction of two components.
However, even when we use shallow, an onClick function can be created within a button test to validate that the button responds to clicks. We implement the onClick function as a callback, and then confirm that when we click the button the callback is executed.
Here is an example:
// button test
it('responds to a button click', () => {
//create variable to track button click status
let clicked = false;
//create function to assign as onClick
const callback = () => {
clicked = true;
const wrapper = shallow(<AddressShow onSetAddress = {callback} address={address}/>);
Thanks to Andrew Wilson for inspiring this tip!
Contains Matching Element
Remember that for tests on some HTML elements we need to use containsMatchingElement. contains insists that all attributes for a tag match exactly, while containsMatchingElement allows you to match just one out of multiple attributes. In other words, it ignores attributes you don’t care about. We have to use containsMatchingElement when testing some input controls or when testing for some button controls since they contain onChange or onClick functions, and it is not easy or perhaps not even possible to match a function:
const inputElement = <input value='Robin Dudette'/>;
// Code omitted
This works even if the input control has a number of other attributes other than value.
Filter Tests
Also, notice the menu the tests give you. Note the p option for filtering files. Suppose one of your test files is called Foo.test.js and one is called Bar.test.js. Press p and enter Foo. Only Foo.test.js will run:
Watch Usage
› Press a to run all tests.
› Press o to only run tests related to changed files.
› Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern.
› Press q to quit watch mode.
› Press Enter to trigger a test run.
pattern › Foo
The result might look like this:
PASS src/__tests__/Foo.test.js
React Foo Suite
✓ see if true is true (6ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.545s, estimated 1s
Ran all test suites matching "Foo".
Watch Usage
› Press a to run all tests.
› Press o to only run tests related to changed files.
› Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern.
› Press q to quit watch mode.
› Press Enter to trigger a test run.
Even though I had several tests in my tests folder, only the one that had Foo in its name was run.
Please look here:
Props Singe Node Error
Please go here: