The goal of the final is to allow you to demonstrate your ability to deploy web sites to the cloud. In particular, I want to see the following running simultaneously on EC2:
- Your Apache website running on Port 80
- Your Express program running on Port 30025
- Your Docker website with your site stored inside it running on Port 30026
- Your Docker website using the HTML stored in Apache directory and running on port 30027
- Your Firebase Login Application running on Firebase
All these links need to be live. To be safe, make sure they work even after the system is rebooted.
Video Summary
Docker Websites
Above I mention the two different ways we should set up our Docker containers:
- Your Docker website with your site stored inside it running on Port 30026
- Your Docker website using the HTML stored in Apache directory and running on port 30027
In the first bullet point I want the HTML you generated with MakeHtml to be copied into the Docker container. The actual HTML files live in the container. This is discussed here:
In the second bullet point, I want the HTML files to live on the host and be linked into the container. This technique is discussed here:
The Website
Your site should look more or less the same as it did on the Midterm, only this is a chance to polish and refine your code. The main page of your site should:
- Feature your last name
- If it is stored in /var/www/html/ then have the word Apache in it
- If it is stored in your Docker container, then it should have the word Docker in it.
For instance, create an H1, H2 or H3 tag near the top of the Home Page that says something like:
- My Vacation Site
- Hosted on Docker
Here My Vacation Site might be in an H1 tag, and the Hosted on Docker tag could be a subheading with an H2 or H3 tag. The original source for your page should be written in Markdown, of course, using #, ## or ### to designate the type of your Heading tags.
The site should include the code for your custom web site, plus links to all your homework pages. You might, for instance, have the links to your custom Midterm site spelled out on the home page, and then a single single link to another page which contains links to your homework. For instance:
- My Vacation Site
- Mexico
- Canada
- Alaska
- Assignments
The specific implementation is up to you, the above is just a suggestion.
Set Port for a Docker Container
Our docker containers have an instance of Apache in them running on Port 80. For the outside world, however, we want them running on a different port, say 10025:
docker run --name charlie -d -p 10025:80 charliecalvert/apache
The above command does what what we want. It starts the image, mapping the Docker container’s Port 80 to the hosts Port 30025.
I should be able to download from the Docker Hub the following:
- lastname/ubuntu-base
- lastname/apache
- lastname/make-html
The make-html image should contain your web site and all your homework.
In the DockerCode folder for your repo, put the Dockerfiles for each of you images:
- DockerCode
- UbuntuBase
- Dockerfile
- Apache
- Dockerfile
- MakeHtml
- Dockerfile
- HtmlViewer
- Dockerfile
- UbuntuBase
Extra Credit Scripts
From the DockerCode folder, we should be able to give a single command to either either create and run or remove all your containers and images.
- DockerCode
- UbuntuBase
- build
- delete
- Dockerfile
- Apache
- build
- delete
- Dockerfile
- MakeHtml
- build
- delete
- Dockerfile
- HtmlViewer
- build
- delete
- Dockerfile
- UbuntuBase
- buildA1ll
- deleteAll
The above shows the final hierarchy of scripts. Each directory has as build and delete script, where build creates and starts the image. The delete removes the container and the image. The buildAll and deleteAll call each of the scripts in turn. Maybe something like:
cd UbuntuBase
cd ../Apache
... and so on...
EC2 Ports
View your EC2 instances inbound rules and make sure ports such as 30025 and 30026 are listed as open:
Turn it in
When you turn in the assignment, use the Text Page to provide live links to your:
- Four projects running on EC2
- Your Firebase Login project running on the Firebase Servers
Also create a page on your EC2 Apache Server called final-links.html that contains links to all the projects you have running on EC2. See the final-links video for details.
Make sure your repository contains your:
- Dockerfiles and any scripts you created in a directory called DockerCode
- Markdown files in a directory called AllTest
- HTML files in a directory called FinalHtml
- ApacheHelpers directory
- Week10-ExpressBasics directory
- Firebase Login code.
If you have any doubt as to whether or not I will be able to find your files, please spell out their location very clearly. It’s late in the quarter, and if I can’t find your file right away I might just assume they were not created or not assembled for the final.
Random Tip
Here is how to change all instances of bcuser to ubuntu inside the ElvenConfig.json file:
sed -i "s/bcuser/ubuntu/g" ElvenConfig.json
Complete as much of the exam as you can. It is better to get it in, and get it in more or less on time, than to spin trying to complete something you don’t understand.
I’m mostly interested in seeing that you:
- Show clear evidence that you learned something
- Did the homework more or less on time
- Came to class
Students start in different places. I’m looking for evidence that a student worked hard and learned something new rather than being overly concerned with whether they can complete each assignment perfectly.
When I was growing up, A’s were not fetishized. People could and very frequently did get into Ivy League colleges with a B average. Today, in the technical world, what matters is the interview, not your grades. As a result, I try to keep things simple and give students the grade they deserve.
Finding Assignments
A poorly maintained list of assignments is here:
Close Down EC2 Instances
You can keep, delete, mangle, change in whatever way you want your EC2 instances after December 11, 2017. See the Canvas announcement on this subject for more information.
Final Links Page
Just to be clear, here is part of the markdown for my Final Links page from the video. I show the link to my local Ubuntu server hosted on VirtualBox in the first list-item, but you should use a link to your Apache Server on your EC2 instance. Then fill in the other links with appropriate values.
## Overview
Here are the links to the pages in my final.
## The Links
- [Apache Page on Host](
- [Express Server](YOUR LINK)
- [Docker Container with Pages Inside It](YOUR LINK)
- [Docker Container with Pages Linked (mapped) from Host Apache Server](YOUR LINK)
- [Docker Hub](YOUR LINK)
- [Firebase Server](YOUR LINK)