In this assignment we will:
- Link in isit-code to isit-site-tools
- Call from isit-site-tools to isit-code
- Write a two project, react and express based web application that displays the result of the call in the browser.
Be sure lamp is installed.
Note on Names
To save keystrokes when typing, and cut down on noise when reading, I’ll use some simple shortcuts. Unless I explicitly state otherwise, when I write isit-code, I’m referencing your isit-code-lastname project.
- isit-code => isit-code-lastname
Create Projects
Create a folder called Week04-UseSiteTools in your repository. In it, we need two projects called client and server. You have done this kind of thing before, so the process should be simple:
mkdir Week04-UseSiteTools && cd Week04-UseSiteTools
create-react-app client && CreateAllExpress server
Set up
Open the root folder for this project (Week04-UseSiteTools) in WebStorm. You should now be able to work on both the client and server at the same time.
In the server, in bin/www set the port to 30026. (More on ports below.)
Add the proxy statement for port 30026 to client/package.json.
Install the isit-code and isit-site-tools packages in the server project. You should be able to do this without further instruction. If you are having trouble, consider the following questions:
- In Node applications, what tool do I use to install packages or libraries on which my project depends?
- How do I use that tool to install a specific package?
- What is the exact name of my isit-code package?
NOTE: If you find it hard to answer these questions, or to install your package, you should either ask questions about this in the discussion area, or take steps to help yourself understand and remember this process. The act of installing and using a package has to become easy for you or else you will never succeed at this time of coding.
NOTE: It is not cheating to simply cut and paste questions that I ask in these assignment into Google. You might not know the answer, but it probably does. Sometimes you may have to tweak the question slightly, but that should not be hard. For instance, after you know the answer to the first question above, you can replace the words that tool with something when specific when querying Google.
Finally, use npm start to launch the client and server applications, each in their own terminal tab.
Set Ports
If they are not set up already, set the PORT environment variable to 30025. At the bash prompt type the following:
export PORT=30025
export SERVER_PORT=30026
In server/bin/www, around line 15, use SERVER_PORT rather than PORT:
var port = normalizePort(process.env.SERVER_PORT || '30026');
In the Bash shell where you run the server:
export DEBUG=server.server
If you prefer to have create-react-app open in a Chrome rather than Firefox, then do this at the Bash prompt:
export BROWSER=/usr/bin/google-chrome
Link Package to the Server
Open up routes/index.js and import isit-site-tools. Again, you may need to think to complete this task.
What is routes/index.js? Is it an ES6 file that needs to be transpiled? Is it a standard node file that may or may not have some ES6 in it? Is it an HTML page? Also consider:
- How do I import a JavaScript file in a client side HTML page?
- How do I import a JavaScript file into an ES6 page?
- How do I import another file in a node application?
If you are still stuck. The answer is here, near the top of the assignment.
Now that you have imported the package, look at the command line where your server is running. You should see something like this:
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'isit-code-calvert'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:527:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:476:23)
at Module.require (module.js:568:17)
at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
The system is trying to tell you that it is having trouble loading the package called isit-code-calvert. This is one of my packages, not one of your packages. This means you have to find the place where the package is being loaded, and ask it to load your package, not mine. In particular, you want to change isit-code-calvert to isit-code-lastname, where last name is your last name.
The Linuix grep utitlity provides a simple way to find the places where isit-code-calvert is loaded in a project. In particular, run the following command from the base of your server project:
grep -rwl "isit-code-calvert"
The output is quite lengthy. The problem, of course, is that isit-site-tools uses isit-code in many different files. Trying to make the changes in each file is a daunting task and being good techies we are lazy by nature.
First, lets come up with a quick fix. We will use the Linux find and sed utilities to:
- find all the JavaScript files in isit-site-tools
- In those files, replace all instances of isit-code-calvert with isit-code-lastname
In particular, try something like this, where you will need to make two obvious changes:
cd ~/node_modules/isit-site-tools-lastname
find . -iname "*.js" | xargs sed -i 's/isit-code-calvert/isit-code-lastname/g' *.js
After making this change, you should be able to start your server without error.
All that is good and well, but it is only a temporary fix. For a more long lasting solution, we need to change the code not to this version of isit-site-tools, but to the version in the NPM repository.
Update isit-site-tools in the NPM Repository
Go to your isit-site-tools repository. This is your fork of my project. From the root of your project, run the find and sed command shown above, but this time, ask it to skip any files in the node_modules directory:
find . -iname "*.js" -not -path "**/node_modules/**" | xargs sed -i 's/isit-code-calvert/isit-code-lastname/g' *.js
You will have to make the same change to this line of code that we made when we ran find and sed in the node_modules directory of the server project.
I consider this a bug fix, not a new feature or a breaking code. Therefore, we increment the patch number in our semver for this project. After updating the version number, we publish our fix:
npm patch
npm publish
Now run npm outdated in your server project. You should see that isit-site-tools is outdated. There are several ways to solve this problem, one goes like this:
- Open up package.json and set the version number of isit-site-tools to the current version number for your package.
- Then uninstall and reinstall and the package:
Get Information from the Package
Now we want to get some information from our package. At this stage, we don’t want to really give the package a workout, we just want want to prove to ourselves that we can load and use it.
When looking how to use a package, it often makes sense to begin by looking in the index.js file in the package route:
module.exports.walker = require('./markdown-to-html/private/walker');
module.exports.walkRunner = require('./markdown-to-html/runners/sample-runner');
module.exports.imageHelp = require('./image-help/index');
module.exports.makeMarkdown = require('./image-help/index').makeMarkdown;
module.exports.getNotUsed = require('./image-help/index').getNotUsed;
module.exports.imagesTest = require('./image-help/runners/ImagesTest');
As you can see, this file simply exports various objects implemented in this package. But looking through them, none of htem look particular useful to us right now.
Looking deeper, we see that many of these objects are imported from image-help/index.js. If you scroll through that file, you will see one item that might be helpful to us:
module.exports.configSettings = {
getSelectedElvenImage: configSettings.getSelectedElvenImage,
//loadConfigFile: configSettings.loadConfigFile,
getElvenImages: configSettings.getElvenImages,
getSelectedElvenImages: configSettings.getSelectedElvenImages,
setSelectedElvenImages: configSettings.setSelectedElvenImages
Here is how we can get at that simple object. First, create a config file in a folder of your server root called config:
Then create a root like this:
router.get('/foo', function(req, res, next) { 'use strict';
const foo = isitSiteTools.imageHelp.configSettings;
res.send({config: foo.getElvenImages()});
Now call the root from the client using react and display it on the page.
Turn it in
First push and then turn in the assignment, specifying the branch and folder where I can find your work. It might look something like this:
- Branch: Week04
- Folder: Week04-UseSiteTools
- MainRepo:
- IsitSite Repo:
- IsitCode Repo:
Specifying the repos isn’t absolutely necessary, but if you think there is any possibility that I might be confused about the repos you are using, then add them.