TELL THEM ABOUT build-copy-worker TELL THEM ABOUT killnode and kcp. TELL THEM TO ADD nohup.out to repo .gitignore
The goal of this assignment is to help you organze, finalize and hone the projects you have been working on this quarter.
- All your programs should just work when started.
- You need to test this by having two copies of your repo
- It’s best if the copies are on two different machines, but two copies on the same machine is much better than just one copy.
- Don’t worry about the user name in your systemd service files, as my scripts set that automatically.
- It should be possible to start effortlessly all your major programs in four ways:
- With concurrently
- By separately staring the client and server in the background
- By starting the server in the backgrounnd with the client copied into the server with build-copy
- As a systemd service
- All your programs should get a clean bill of health from:
- eslint
- prettier
- All code should be merged into your master branch
- The best version of all your programs should be on master
- Each server side program must tell its name and author when viewed directly.
Showing Server Side Name and Author
Suppose we are running the server for SystemCheck on port 30034. If we go to http://localhost:30034, we should see the following information:
- The server’s name, which is System Check Server
- The author: Charlie Calvert
NOTE: This will only work if you have not used build-copy to build your client and copy it in the server’s public directory. If you have done that, then you should see the client interface, not the server interface.
Start a project in the Background
You can use the Linux nohub command to start a program running in the background. The output from the program is saved in a file called nohup.out. Do not check nohub.out in to your repository. Probably the simplest solution is to add this to the .gitignore file in the root of your repository: nohup.out
Save this script as try-run-both in your scripts directory. Create a symbolic link to it from your ~/bin directory. It should start both the client and the server running in the background.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo -e "======================================================"
echo -e "Pass in build or run."
echo -e "build means that npm install will be added to the mix."
echo -e " try-run-both build" # performs a build and then runs the app
echo -e " try-run-both run" # there is no build, only run (npm start)
echo -e "======================================================"
if [[ $1 = "build" ]]; then
cd client && npm i && cd ../server && npm i && bower install && cd .. && npm i
cd server
nohup node bin/www &
cd ../client
nohup ./node_modules/react-scripts/bin/react-scripts.js start &
The point here is that running a build can take some time, as it runs npm install in three directories. The first time you run your app, you will need to pass in build as a parameter.
When you are done, commit any files you have modified, and run kcp from the root of your project. That alias should be built into JsObjects via ~/.bash_aliases. It looks like this:
alias cleanher="git co client && git co server && find . -iname 'nohup.out' ! -type l | xargs rm -rv"
alias kcp="killnode && cleanher && plj"
NOTE: The above script runs a checkout on the client and server directories, so it will overwrite any changes to files in those directories unless you have committed them! Read that again!
Run any Project from Repo Root
I’ve saved the run-all script as a gist. Click the link and save the file as run-all in the root of your repository.
Run it like this:
./run-all week06-system-check b $ELF_SYSTEM_CHECK_PORT
Or like this:
./run-all week06-system-check c
Run from Project Root
We want to have a script called run in the root of your projects. Don’t forget to make it executable with chmod:
chmod +x run
Each run file has specific port mentioned in it, so each one is unique. Be sure to the official list of ports.
Here is the script.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
echo -e "======================================================"
echo -e "Pass in a parameter of a, b, or c."
echo -e " a) Run Client Server"
echo -e " b) Run Server"
echo -e " c) Start Service"
echo -e "======================================================"
function runClientServer() {
try-run-both build
cd ..
function runServer() {
cd client
./build-copy-worker a
cd ../server
nohup node bin/www &
firefox http://localhost:${ELF_SYSTEM_CHECK_PORT}
function startService() {
cd server
case $1 in
[Aa]* ) runClientServer; shift;;
[Bb]* ) runServer; shift;;
[Cc]* ) startService; shift;;
[XxQq]* ) break;;
*) echo -e "\n$NC" + "Please answer with a, b, c, or x.";;
Notice that this script specifically spells out the environment variable that contains the port number for this app. This number and enviornment variable name changes for each project. The most official list of ports is maintained in the systemd Service Control assignment.
Run it like this from the root of your project:
./run a
NOTE: This would have been better as a script in the scripts directory which took a single parameter, the port on which the service runs. But it is too late to make that change now. Next time.
Merging Code
My current ~/.gitconfig:
email = <YOUR EMAIL>
name = <YOUR NAME SUCH AS Charlie on forestpath>
default = simple
co = checkout
br = branch
st = status
last = log -1 HEAD
tags = tag -n1
If you are on branch x, and want to see what is different between it and master:
git difftool -d master
The standard merge master into your current branch:
git merge master
To copy one file from master into your current branch, go to your repo root and:
git co master -- foldername/filename.txt
To copy one folder from master into your current branch:
git co master -- foldername
Turn it in
When you are done, I should be able to start at least the following projects either from the project root, or from the repo root, with a single command:
- Ec2CopyFile
- SystemCheck
- SystemCheckRefactor
- SystemCheckRefactorDetails
- Midterm
- Aws-Provision
- And, ultimately, your final. But you don’t need that yet.
Please let me know which programs you want me to check. I’m expecting a list like the one above. Be sure the root directory for each project has a run file in it.
All of these projects should just work when I start them as follows:
- runClientServer (Both the client and server started with try-run-both)
- runServer (All one app via build-copy in the server)
- startService (systemd)
I want to make clear that this is at least as important as getting the final app running. You should prioritize getting this to work over getting the final project working.
I also want both prettier and eslint . coming back clean in from the root of all the projects listed above.
Be sure to include your run-all and run scripts. They are the first things I’ll check for.