The introduction of the PouchDdManager complicates our testing. Let’s look at Address.test.js.
Testing ElfHeader
We need to use MuiThemeProvider
import { MuiThemeProvider, createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
const themeDark = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
type: 'dark'
// Later
<MuiThemeProvider theme={themeDark}>
Fake Mock PouchDbManager;
In your tests, don’t load the real dataManager. Instead, load a FakeDataManager.
import dataManager from '../assets/FakeDataManager';
This works for us because we are almost always passing our DataManager as props to our objects. Hence, they will use what we pass to them, and not try to create a real DataManager on their own.
The fake DataManager might look like this:
class FakeDataManager {
watchChanges = (showAddress) => {
return showAddress;
showAddress = () => {
const data = {
'docs': [
'firstName': 'Patty',
'lastName': 'Murray',
'street': '154 Russell Senate Office Building',
'city': 'Washington DC',
'state': 'WA',
'zip': ' 20510',
'phone': '202-224-2621',
'website': '',
'email': '',
'contact': '',
'_id': '5849dc86-72b9-4fe2-8a08-5d2f43cddb93',
'_rev': '1-b8d1d561e7ba4b2db84814aa212cbad0'
'firstName': 'Robert',
'lastName': 'Aderholt',
'street': '235 Cannon House Office Building;',
'city': 'Washington DC',
'state': 'AL',
'zip': ' 20515-0104',
'phone': '202-225-4876',
'website': '',
'email': '',
'contact': '',
'_id': 'f892d657-3115-44c5-813e-2056c08d158d',
'_rev': '1-009c55df07da43bda463089f8ab15379'
'firstName': 'Lamar',
'lastName': 'Alexander',
'street': '455 Dirksen Senate Office Building',
'city': 'Washington DC',
'state': 'TN',
'zip': ' 20510',
'phone': '202-224-4944',
'website': '',
'email': '',
'contact': '',
'_id': 'bdad5eb1-ba0c-4df6-ab16-199c92454d3e',
'_rev': '1-06ee3531f61e47efb6957da79f0bc599'
'firstName': 'Tammy',
'lastName': 'Baldwin',
'street': '709 Hart Senate Office Building',
'city': 'Washington DC',
'state': 'WI',
'zip': ' 20510',
'phone': '202-224-5653',
'website': '',
'email': '',
'contact': '',
'_id': '4d29a806-7187-4f8d-85a9-a56e6e3228d6',
'_rev': '1-95b02c43a46f4384b7730e3315a8c57c'
'firstName': 'John',
'lastName': 'Barrasso',
'street': '307 Dirksen Senate Office Building',
'city': 'Washington DC',
'state': 'WY',
'zip': ' 20510',
'phone': '202-224-6441',
'website': '',
'email': '',
'contact': '',
'_id': 'a12effc6-062c-41ac-a044-b2c3db68ad4d',
'_rev': '1-ef2f284cc83148b4a4ef873555f22c32'
'firstName': 'Joe',
'lastName': 'Barton',
'street': '2107 Rayburn House Office Building;',
'city': 'Washington DC',
'state': 'TX',
'zip': ' 20515-4306',
'phone': '202-225-2002',
'website': '',
'email': '',
'contact': '',
'_id': '5b5c7ab3-fc83-4391-8562-7cd7a5548641',
'_rev': '1-5d8a9df3a182426eb3fe047d6072d40b'
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const instance = new FakeDataManager();
export default instance;
WatchChanges is never really called, but it must be present. Hence, our implementation of it is not important. showAddress is called, and you can see that we have it return a few records in a Promise.
Testing Address
It is a bit difficult to set up the wrapper, so lets do it in one place:
let wrapper = null;
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallow(<Address
addressList={addresses} />);
This is called once before each test. It sets up the Enzyme wrapper that we use in our tests.
We can also write another shortcut that looks like this:
const addressProp = wrapper => wrapper
NOTE: In this case I’m explicitly using WithStyles. But in my contains and containsMatchingElement tests, I can ignore the fact that we use WithStyles in the React component under test.
Thus we no longer need lines like this:
it('renders and displays the default first name', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<Address
addressList={addresses} />);
Instead, we can write this:
it('renders and displays the default first name', () => {
We can also write these:
it('renders and displays the default first name from FakeData', () => {
it('renders state of firstName after button click', () => {
Turn it in
You can do this in the final, or in whatever is your latest and greatest. Just point me to a folder containing a working AddressMaven that has at least 12 shallow tests running against Address.js:
PASS src/tests/Address.test.js
Address tests
✓ renders without crashing (20ms)
✓ renders and displays the default first name (2ms)
✓ renders state of firstName after button click (1ms)
✓ renders and displays the default last name (1ms)
✓ renders state of lastName after button click (4ms)
✓ renders and displays the default street address (2ms)
✓ renders state of street address after button click (1ms)
✓ renders and displays the default city (1ms)
✓ renders state of city after button click (1ms)
✓ renders and displays the default stateName (1ms)
✓ renders state of stateName after button click
✓ renders and displays the default zip (2ms)
✓ renders state of zip after button click (4ms)
✓ renders and displays the default phone number (1ms)
✓ renders state of phone number after button click (47ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 15 passed, 15 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.179s, estimated 1s
Ran all test suites matching /Address.test.js/.
Watch Usage: Press w to show more.