
Normalize file naming conventions as outlined in the Turn it in section. After renaming the files, get the best and latest versions of your programs in the master branch.

I’ll run a check to see if you have the right programs in master. I’ll be checking for case and other details in the name. Your grade will be based on the results of that check.


Ideally, our repository should have a structure like this:

  • Branch week01
    • week01-program-01
  • Branch week02
    • week01-program-01
    • week02-program-01
  • Branch week03
    • week01-program-01
    • week02-program-01
    • week03-program-01
    • week03-program-02

The point being that each week we create a new branch based on the previous week’s branch. We add one or more programs to the new branch.

Meanwhile, the master branch ought to always contain working versions of all our code. For instance, it might look like this during week03, if we are still working on week03-program-02:

  • Branch master
    • week01-program-01
    • week02-program-01
    • week03-program-01

Note that master contains three working programs, but omits week03-program-02 because it is still under development.

I understand that your repository might no always be this clean. However, I want your master branch to be this clean.


Assuming all the programs in branch week03 are working, and assuming you never work in master, it should be very simple to merge the week03 branch into master:

git checkout master
git merge week03

And your done.

Let’s assume this goes fairly smoothly, but when you check your code in master, you find a problem. You can’t resist fixing it right there. After your update master is ahead of week03. It should be simple to fix this. First commit your work in master, then

git checkout week03
git merge master

Let’s assume you have completed these programs in week03:

  • week01-program-01
  • week02-program-01
  • week03-program-01

But you have not completed week03-program-02. How can you merge week03 into master? Well, there are any number of strategies for handling this, but one might be:

git checkout week03
git branch temp
git checkout temp
git rm -r week03-program-02
// commit
git checkout master
git merge temp
git branch -d temp # Delete branch temp

This allows you to merge all of week03 into master except week03-program02.

Other things to Know

Here is how to compare two branches with some ability to copy files from one side to another:

git checkout master
git difftool -d week07

This compares master and week07. Do it from the root of a directory.

I know merging preserves my history, and I want to do that. But I’m desperate. The heck with merging! Can’t I just copy one directory or file from one branch to another?

git checkout week07
git checkout week06 -- my-missing-dir

This will copy the directory called my-missing-dir from branch week06 into branch week07.

NOTE: One reason not to do this is that history can be your friend. Sometimes you turn in assignment late either because you forgot to turn it in, or because you were stuck on one bug even though everything else was working. If this happens I can check when you first started committing code for this project, or when you stopped committing or when you finished a particular file. Do I do this? Yes, I do, and it has meant some students did not lose points for lateness. But if you checkout rather than merge, then your history might get lost, and that is not good in some cases. Summary: try to merge. If it just isn’t going to work for you, then try alternate strategies.

Save a Good Copy of Your Repo

There are elegant ways to undo a merge or to fix bad merges. But here is one simple, if crude, way to handle failed merges.

Here’s one cheap trick. Clone two copies of your repo, your main copy, and a backup. If you are about to try a merge that you think might fail, then update the backup. Try the merge in your main repo. If it fails utterly, you still have a backup repo that held your good work before the failed merge. Delete the working repo, copy or clone the good repo.

NOTE: An alternate strategy would be to keep only one repo and push everything before you try a merge. If a merge fails, then just delete the messed up repo and reclone it. It will contain your code as it was before you had the failed merge.

Merging week06 into week07

Suppose you are in week03. But you checkout week02. You make an update to

  • week02-program-01

You commit week02 and checkout week03. Should you now be afraid of merging week02 into week03? In other words, would do so delete week03-program-01? In the normal course of thing no, it would not. Instead, it would merge only the files from week02 that are newer than those in week03. In other words, it would merge in only the new code from week02-program-01, which would usually be exactly what you want.

Rename a Directory

To rename a directory use git mv. For instance:

git mv Week02-Foo week02-foo

You may have to do this in multiple branches or your merges won’t work correctly. In other words, git merge thinks Week02-Foo is unrelated to week02-foo.

Use the git difftool described above to check that you have the names set up right.

Turn it in

Merge into your master branch all the working copies you have of at least the following programs:


The two periods are wild cards. I’m going to check for the existence of specific directories, but I won’t get fussy about the week number. Thus I will accept week01-react-basics or week02-react-basics. At least for now. But I won’t accept Week01-React-Basics.

If one of these programs is not working, then don’t merge it. I’m looking for working code.

The same programs should appear in our latest branch, for instance week07, but they don’t have to be working.

This assignment requires a certain amount of fussing about on details. I know that already, so you don’t need to tell me about that aspect of the assignment. I care because I want to automate things, and I need some regularity to do that.