Ubuntu Server 16.04 with MongoDb
Here is a copy of Ubuntu Server with MongoDb pre-installed. It’s about 2 GB, so have patience with the download.
When the download is complete load it in VirtualBox.
NOTE: The server is relatively small. It can run on machines with limited resources. You can lower the amount of RAM allocated to it and it should still work.
The login:
- UserName: bcuser
- Password: bcuser
The code first loads your key. Then copies the matching public key to the authorized_keys file on the server. Then it logs into the server.
Example Database Records for Login
The data model is defined in models/user.js. Here is a simplified example MongoDb record:
"lastName": "bar",
"firstName": "bar",
"email": "bar@foo.com",
"password": "abc",
"username": "bar",
Actual records will look more like this.
"_id": {
"$oid": "557f238c77e80f000a9e4100"
"lastName": "bar",
"firstName": "bar",
"email": "bar@foo.com",
"password": "abc",
"username": "bar",
"__v": 0
MLab Database for Login
In routes/connect.js you will need to file in these fields if you want to connect to the database :
var userName = 'YOUR-USER-NAME';
var password = 'YOUR-PASSWORD';
var databaseName = 'YOUR-DATABASE-NAME';