The goal of this assignment is to begin the process of integrating React into our WebCrafts application. Your key reference will be the ReactBasics assignment. More specifically, I’m expecting you to be working in this repository:
- isit-web-crafts-lastname
We will do our work in a branch called Week05-React. Once we have things in good shape, we can merge that code back into master. For the assignment, I will look at master unless you specify otherwise, but I expect Week05-React to exist.
But before we do this, let’s tag our work so we can get back to the way it was before we integrated React:
git tag -a 1.0.1 -m "before React";
git tag push 1.0.1
Here are the steps to create and switch to our working branch. Enter the following from anywhere in the WebCrafts repository:
git branch Week05-React
git checkout Week05-React
The first step will be to integrate webpack into the WebCrafts project. From the root of the WebCrafts repository:
cp <PATH TO YOUR REACT BASICS PROJECT>//webpack.config.js .
For example:
cp ~/Git/isit320-calvert-2017/Week01-ReactBasics/webpack.config.js .
For now, we will leave it unchanged. We will, however, need to install:
- babel-loader
- babel-core
- babel-preset-react
- babel-preset-env
- webpack-dev-server
The details are here.
npm ERR!
If you get this error:
npm ERR! Cannot read property '0' of undefined
Upgrade to latest npm:
npm -g install npm
After the install, my version looked like this:
$ npm --version
Delete node_modules and package-lock.json.
Make sure npm is the one in your ~/npm directory:
$ which npm
If you are using the one in /usr/bin/npm delete it create a symbolic link to the one in your npm directory. It might be something like this:
sudo rm /usr/bin/npm
sudo ln -s ~/npm/bin/npm .
rm -r node_modules
rm package-lock.json
npm install
Get Sample Components
Let’s now copy over our sample component and give it the name ReactHome.js:
mkdir source
cp ~/Git/isit320-calvert-2017/Week01-ReactBasics/react-simple.js source/ReactHome.js
Change the name of the component to match our new naming scheme:
export default class ReactHome extends React.Component {...}
Create our Main React file
This code belongs in a file called source/react-main:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ReactHome from './ReactHome';
$(document).ready(function() {
const home = document.getElementById('home');
ReactDOM.render(<ReactHome/>, home);
NOTE: We the file called ReactHome gets its name and casing from the fact that it contains a component called ReactHome. The react-main file does not export a component, so we do not put its name in Pascal case.
Link it Together
Now we need perform the standard dance we have done several times already. In webpack.config.js point our entry-point at react-main.js file:
entry: './source/react-main.js',
Put a script in package.json for building the webpack bundle:
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start",
"start": "nodemon ./bin/www",
"bundle": "node_modules/.bin/webpack"
Add a home DIV to index.pug:
extends layout
block content
h1 Elven Site Builder
button#makeHtml.btn.btn-warning Make HTML
button#makeImage.btn.btn-success Create Images
p To see options, select a button above.
And finally, load our bundle.js file using RequireJs. Most of you are probably not familiar with RequireJs, so for now I’ll just show you the new code for public/javascripts/main.js:
baseUrl: '.',
paths: {
jquery: 'components/jquery/dist/jquery',
bootstrap: 'components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap',
control: 'javascripts/control',
elfLog: 'components/elven-tools/elf-log',
makeHtml: 'javascripts/make-html/make-html',
walking: 'javascripts/make-html/walking',
makeImage: 'javascripts/make-image/make-image',
imagePicker: 'javascripts/make-image/image-picker',
display: 'javascripts/tools/display',
settings: 'javascripts/tools/settings',
utilities: 'javascripts/tools/utilities',
reactBundle: 'javascripts/bundle',
requirejs(['jquery'], function($) {
'use strict';
requirejs(['bootstrap', 'control', 'reactBundle'], function(bootstrap, control) {
$('.navbar-nav li.trigger-collapse a').click(function(event) {
The two new bits of code both include the words reactBundle. Here is the part added to requireJs.config:
reactBundle: 'javascripts/bundle',
Here is the bit added to the call to requirejs:
requirejs(['bootstrap', 'control', 'reactBundle'], function(bootstrap, control) {...})
Load Material
In views/layout.pug:
link(rel="stylesheet", href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500")
link(rel="stylesheet", href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons")
I don’t really know much about fonts, but if you curious you could learn more about Google Fonts.
And install Material-ui.
npm install --save material-ui
Here is a components that defines our buttons:
import React from 'react';
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/RaisedButton';
// import {black, red} from 'material-ui/styles/colors';
class HomeButtons extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
makeImage: 'Make Image',
makeHtml: 'Make HTML'
render() {
return <MuiThemeProvider>
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<p>Select a button.</p>
<p>This is a react component.</p>
var buttonStyle = {
margin: '15px'
export default HomeButtons;
The MuiThemeProvider is built into material-ui.
Now use the HomeButtons component by making it part of the ReactHome component.
import React from 'react';
import HomeButtons from './HomeButtons';
export default class ReactHome extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<h1>An H1 element in a React Component</h1>
This technique of nesting one component inside another is done a lot in React. The idea is that you can modularize even seemingly closely related parts of a UI. By dividing the UI into small modules you can greatly reduce complexity.
NOTE: We’ll work on getting the buttons to do something in another assignment. It’s a more difficult problem than it might seem because we are trying to integrate two worlds: React and jQuery.
The CSS issue
Finally, there is one little gotcha that we need to fix. In public/stylesheets/styles.css I define a simple CSS rule that affects all our DIVs:
div {
border: #d4e6ff solid thin;
padding: 3px;
margin-top: 3px;
I did this during development of the origial app because it helped me see where the various parts of my UI began and ended. I should have removed it, but never did. This kind of thing could happen in a real-world application, so it is not necessarily bad that I have left it in.
The fix, of course, would be to delete the rule, or to qualify it like this with CSS class, which would allow us to reuse it later if needed:
div.borderMan {
border: #d4e6ff solid thin;
padding: 3px;
margin-top: 3px;
Turn it in
I’m looking for:
- WebPack integration
- ES6 files in the source directory called:
- react-main
- ReactHome
- a home div in index.pug
- bundle.js linked into public/javascripts/main.js
- Material-UI
- A minor change to your CSS file.
Push your new branch. You may get an error when you try to push since you are in a new branch. However, Git tells you exactly how to fix the problem.
Then merge your fix into master.
git checkout master
git merge Week05-React
Something like this:
$ git merge Week05-React
Updating 2660c6d..7a19845
bin/www | 2 +-
install-webpack-packages | 12 +
package-lock.json | 12103 +++++++++-------
package.json | 90 +-
public/javascripts/bundle.js | 31893 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
public/javascripts/main.js | 5 +-
public/stylesheets/style.css | 2 +-
source/HomeButtons.js | 45 +
source/ReactHome.js | 14 +
source/react-main.js | 8 +
views/index.jade | 4 +-
views/layout.jade | 2 +
webpack.config.js | 20 +
13 files changed, 39083 insertions(+), 5117 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 install-webpack-packages
create mode 100644 public/javascripts/bundle.js
create mode 100644 source/HomeButtons.js
create mode 100644 source/ReactHome.js
create mode 100644 source/react-main.js
create mode 100644 webpack.config.js
Then push your master branch.
When you turn in the assignment, be sure to tell me the:
- Git URL for all three repositories (isit-code, isit-site-tools, isit-webcrafts).
- The branch in isit-webcrafts you want me to look at.
Revisit the Past
This part of the assignment is purely informative. You don’t need to do any of this.
Suppose you want to get back to the version you had before you added your react code. First run git log:
$ git log
commit 7a198455e4fbe12650a530edf2dd301a8849cbd2
Author: Charlie on RohanElf <charlie@elvenware.com>
Date: Tue Oct 17 14:57:47 2017 -0700
First react commit
commit 2660c6dd695012b80604e3913a5bea89a88f93c8
Author: Charlie on RohanElf <charlie@elvenware.com>
Date: Sat Oct 14 16:23:22 2017 -0700
All web crafts on new server
As you can see, my latest commit was on Oct 17. The previous commit was on the 14th. To get back to the 14th, I can start a branch based on that commit:
git branch BeforeReact 2660c6d
Now when we run git log we can see that in this branch, there never was an Oct 17 commit that included React code:
$ git log
commit 2660c6dd695012b80604e3913a5bea89a88f93c8
Author: Charlie on RohanElf <charlie@elvenware.com>
Date: Sat Oct 14 16:23:22 2017 -0700
All web crafts on new server
We are back at the state we were in before we added react.