
The primary goal here is to make sure you can handle the updated ElvenConfig.json file that supports multiple users. Right now, the assignment is a bit sparse, but some might be interested in it so I’ll make it available.


These links help give some context to what is explained in more detail below.

Update Isit-Code

git remote add upstream git@github.com:charliecalvert/isit-code.git
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master

You will probably get a few simple conflicts in your package.json file. You can fix these yourself with ease. Forget about fixing the package-lock.json file. Just delete it, and then type npm install to recreate. (If that doesn’t work, delete your node_modules directory and type npm install.)

Running Tests in Isit-Code

89 tests should pass.

Update NPM Package

At the root of isit-code, add, commit and push. Then:

npm version patch npm publish

Running Tests in Isit-Site-Tools

Make sure you have the latest changes. Your isit-site-tools is a fork of my isit-site-tools. To update your code, you want to pull from my ‘isit-site-tools’ and merge it into your code. You forked from my repo, so you pull from it to get the most recent changes, then merge those changes.

You probably already ran the add upstream command, but just in case, I’ll give you the whole process:

git remote add upstream git@github.com:charliecalvert/isit-site-tools.git
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master

If you have already added the upstream, then you will get this error, which you can ignore:

fatal: remote upstream already exists.

Test images

Make sure that the node of ElvenConfig.json that is called elvenImages contains testImages:

"elvenImages": [
            "name": "testImages",
            "baseDir": "/home/charlie/Git/writings/Tech/Markdown",
            "cloudPath": "/images",
            "createSmallImages": true

Update NPM Package

At the root of isit-site-tools, add, commit and push. Then:

npm version patch npm publish


After getting your most recent site-code and site-tools packages, you have to make a few small changes to the /config route in routes/makers:

router.get('/config', function(request, response) {
    'use strict';
    config.useLocalConfig = false;
    var user = 'calvert';
        .then(function(configData) {
            elfLog.nano('CONFIG DATA: ', JSON.stringify(configData, null, 4));

            var baseDir = config.get('users', user, 'base-dir');
            var siteDirs = config.get(// YOU CHANGE IT //);
            var mostRecentDate = config.get(// YOU CHANGE IT //);
            var destinationDirs = config.get(// YOU CHANGE IT //);
            var configSummary = {
                'baseDir': baseDir,
                'mostRecentDate': mostRecentDate,
                'siteDirs': siteDirs,
                'destinationDirs': destinationDirs
            console.log('Config is:', configSummary);
        .catch(function(err) {
            throw err;

Atom and merging

Atom makes merging easier:

Atom makes merging easy

Turn it in

I want to get your latest isit-code and isit-site-tools and see that all the tests pass and that certain key parts of the file have indeed been updated to match the latest code from repository you forked.