
#! /bin/bash

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

# Reboot
echo -e "sudo reboot now"
echo "sudo reboot now" > reboot.sh
chmod +x reboot.sh
echo "reboot is ./reboot.sh"

# JSOBjects
curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-jsobjects > get-jsobjects
chmod +x get-jsobjects
echo "JsOobjects is ./get-js-objects"

# SSH Setup
curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/ssh-setup > ssh-setup
chmod +x ssh-setup
echo "ssh-setup is ./ssh-setup"

if [ ! -d "$GIT" ]; then
    mkdir $GIT

cd $GIT

curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-repos > get-repos.sh

chmod +x get-repos
# ./get-repos
echo "get-repos is ./Git/get-repos.sh"


Get JsObjects like this:

curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-jsobjects > get-jsobjects
chmod +x get-jsobjects

Get the ssh keys

The details are in the vault.

curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/ssh-setup > ssh-setup
chmod +x ssh-setup

Send AWS Conffig

Put any SSH keys or configuration files that you need into a ZIP file called AWSConfigAll.zip.

Set up a portion of your config file to define a rule called aws-spot:

Host aws-spot
        Port 22
        User ubuntu
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<YOUR-AWS-PRIVATE-KEY>

Then secure copy your keys and config file to AWS:

 scp AwsConfigAll.zip aws-spot:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/.

On the server (aws):

sudo apt install unzip zip dos2unix
cd /home/ubuntu/.ssh/
unzip ./AwsConfigAll.zip

Get Repos

if [ ! -d "$GIT" ]; then
    mkdir $GIT

cd $GIT

curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket01.elvenware.com/JsObjects/get-repos > get-repos.sh

chmod +x get-repos
# ./get-repos
echo "get-repos is ./Git/get-repos.sh"
echo "git clone git@github.com:charliecalvert/charliecalvert.github.io.git"

Create User

apt install sudo curl git
add user myuser

Become the new user:

su - myuser

Something like this might add a user without any prompts:

adduser myuser --gecos "First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone" --disabled-password
echo "myuser:password" | sudo chpasswd

We are using echo to pass a username and password in clear text to the chpasswd command. This is not secure, but it is convenient.

Add to Sudoers

usermod -aG sudo myuser