Microsoft Slideshows

I understand how it works now. First start the slide show, then hover the mouse over the bottom left corner of the running slideshow and a hidden menu will appear. Once the menu appears you can choose the Autopay option and it’s all intuitive from there.


I now see a much better way to do this than I’ve done it in the past.

For this to make sense, you need to understand that I use my second monitor to show the video .

The first time I start sharing my screen I am able to grab the controls on my second monitor and drag them over to my main monitor. So now they are not visible in the area I’m sharing.

If I stop sharing and restart screen-share to show the second or third or 4th movie the controls will stay back on my main monitor and never show up in the area that I am sharing with the audience. If I share my screen once before we let the audience in then the controls should stay over on my main monitor even when I share the first movie for the audience.

We can test this when we meet on Saturday but I think it will work.

Thank you for pressing me on this. I’ve been hiding the controls by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Shift + H all this time. It’s much better to just do it as outlined above.